Announcing the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit

Dear Tribal Leaders,

The White House is excited to announce that the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit will occur the week of November 8 2021. Specific dates and times will be shared in a follow up announcement. This year the Summit will take place virtually.

President Biden and the Administration look forward to hosting a robust and meaningful dialogue with Tribal leaders on key issues, policy initiatives, and goals for Indian Country. This year we have changed the name from a conference to a summit to reflect the federal government’s Nation-to-Nation relationship with Tribal Nations. The Biden-Harris Administration is deeply committed to honoring our trust and treaty responsibilities to federally recognized Tribes and the Summit provides an opportunity for Tribal leaders to engage directly with officials from the highest levels of the Administration.

Additional details about the Summit are forthcoming. Please be sure to register for the 2021 Tribal Nations Summit by Friday, October 22, 2021.
Click Here to register for the 2021 Tribal Nations Summit
If you have any questions, please reach out to


White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
White House Domestic Policy Council

2021 National Tribal Broadband Summit


Due to popular demand, we’ve opened up 300 more seats for the Summit. Get yours today!

The 2021 National Tribal Broadband Summit got off to a great start last week with opening remarks from Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs Bryan Newland, Executive Director of IMLS Cosby Kemper, Senior Advisor to the President Libby Washburn, and Senior Policy Advisor at the National Economic Council Lisa Hone.

Register Now Link

Join Us!

This Friday, join us at noon Eastern time for another full day of resources, best practices, and lessons learned for closing the digital divide in Indian Country:

12:00 PM Opening Remarks

Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior
Tracy Goodluck, Policy Advisor for Native Affairs at the White House Domestic Policy Council
Jessica Rosenworcel, Acting Chair, Federal Communications Commission

12:15 PM Interagency Coordination and Collaboration for Tribal Broadband

Moderated by Morgan Rodman, Executive Director, White House Council on Native American Affairs

1:30 PM Break

1:45 PM Breakout Sessions

7. Broadband Adoption Panel: K-12 Schools (NTIA)
8. Tribal Access to Spectrum & Updates on the 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window
     Susan Mort, Acting Assistant Bureau Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
9. USDA Rural Development Programs that Support Long-Term Success of a Broadband Network

2:45 PM Breakout Sessions

10. Broadband Adoption Panel: Tribal Colleges and Universities
11. Integrating FTTP to a Remote Tribal Community via Tribal Utility Authority
12. Planning for Long Term Success

3:45 PM Break

4:00 PM Breakout Sessions

13. Broadband Adoption Panel: Resource Management
14. FirstNet: Transforming First Responder Communications & Extending Connectivity in Tribal Communities 
15. NEPA Workshop

Press Release: Spirit Mountain Community Fund Selects Samuel Riding In As The 2021/22 Hatfield Fellow

Riding In Set for Eight-Month Term in Senator Merkley’s D.C. Office

Grand Ronde, OR – The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Spirit Mountain Community Fund are pleased to announce Samuel Riding In as the 2021/22 Hatfield Fellow. Riding In grew up in Apache, Oklahoma and is a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. 

Riding In is a graduate of Haskell Indian Nations University in Kansas where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Indigenous & American Indian Studies. He holds a certification in behavioral health and most recently worked as a case worker/ behavioral health technician at Lutheran Indian Ministries, a nonprofit organization in Kansas. He is passionate about mental health issues, Indian education and economic development for tribal communities.  

The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde established the Mark O. Hatfield Fellowship in 1998 as a living tribute to Senator Hatfield to honor his accomplishments as the Governor of Oregon and United States Senator. Each year, the Spirit Mountain Community Fund sponsors a highly motivated Native American to serve as the Hatfield Fellow and intern in an Oregon congressional office, enhancing the mutual understanding between leadership in Washington, D.C., and Indian Country. 

Riding In is the 22nd Native American to serve as a Hatfield Fellow. He will begin his fellowship in November with a month-long orientation at the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Washington, D.C. Following orientation, he will assume his congressional placement in Senator Jeff Merkley’s office. This is the Senator’s second time to host a Hatfield Fellow. 

 “I really look forward to the opportunity to be a part of the American political system, gaining first-hand experience from our leaders in Washington, and using my educational background in ways I had previously never foreseen for myself,” said Riding In. “I look forward to the opportunity to network with other fellows and staff members. Ultimately, I hope to be a part of something that is bigger than myself, with lasting positive impacts for a multitude of people who live and breathe on this land. I want to learn as much as I can throughout the course of the fellowship and I want to be a useful member of Senator Merkley’s team.”

“Senator Hatfield not only played an enormous role in making Oregon what it is today, but did so with unwavering principle and a distinctive, gracious diplomacy that helped to inspire so many Oregonians—including myself—to devote their lives to public service,” said Senator Merkley. “One of the many ways the Oregon delegation works together to honor his many accomplishments is by continuing to build a strong partnership with tribal communities through the Hatfield Fellowship program. I always look forward to hosting Hatfield Fellows, and am especially excited to welcome Sam Riding In to team Merkley, where he will bring an impressive background and an admirable passion for helping others. Especially at a time when tribal communities are facing unique challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more critical than ever for Congress and Tribal Governments to work together, and I look forward to seeing the important work Sam accomplishes on Capitol Hill this year.”

 “I wanted to serve as the Hatfield Fellow because historically, Native people have been left out of many conversations and legislation that ultimately affects our livelihoods as sovereign nations. Our people have overcome immense obstacles in order to keep our culture and sovereignty as distinct Tribal Nations intact, and I believe it is imperative we create a sustainable future for the survival of our political autonomy,” said Riding In. “My professional goal is to ensure our next generation of people are equipped with the knowledge to succeed and carry on our culture.”

About Spirit Mountain Community Fund

The Spirit Mountain Community Fund is the philanthropic arm of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. The Tribe is committed to honoring the tribal traditions of sharing and giving back to the community. In 1997, in an effort to uphold these traditions, the tribe formed the Spirit Mountain Community Fund, dedicating six percent of all casino revenue to nonprofit organizations in an 11-county service area of northwest Oregon. Grants are awarded in the following categories: arts & culture, education, environmental preservation, health, historical preservation, problem gaming and public safety. 

Visit for more information about the Hatfield Fellowship program and the Spirit Mountain Community Fund. 


Join Secretary Granholm for a DOE Roundtable on Local Clean Energy Action

Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 15, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm will host a virtual roundtable, Local Clean Energy Action: Building an Equitable and Sustainable Future with Communities, to launch a new initiative that reflects the Biden-Harris Administration’s effort to deliver an equitable clean energy transition for communities across the country, including energy justice communities and communities with historical ties to fossil fuel industries.

Tune in to learn about DOE’s new pilot program that will directly engage and assist communities as they build more resilient economies and better the health and environment of their communities as they transition to clean energy.

Speakers Include:

  • Jennifer M. Granholm, Secretary of Energy
  • Shalanda Baker, DOE Deputy Director for Energy Justice
  • Helen Chin, President, Communities First
  • Sekita Grant, Vice President of Programs, The Solutions Project
  • Tatewin Means, Executive Director, Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation
  • Michael Tubbs, Former Mayor, City of Stockton, CA
  • Stephanie Tyree, Executive Director, WV Community Development Hub.

Event takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, September 15, from 1:00–1:45 p.m. Eastern Time. 

Register now.

Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
1000 Independence Ave. SW | Washington DC 20585

For more information on the Office of Indian Energy, visit our website.

Department of Defense Plan of Action re EO 13175

Over 40 Tribes, Tribal organizations, Alaska Native Corporations, and Tribal businesses submitted written comments and/or participated in the virtual consultations DoD officials hosted in April.  Drawing on the input received, DoD staff crafted a plan that outlines how DoD policies, training, consultation, and outreach will help DoD meet its federal trust responsibilities to Tribes and protect Tribal lands, rights, and resources from impacts related to ongoing and proposed military operations.  The 10-page DoD Plan of Action details steps to update policy, refine and improve program guidance, expand cultural communications and consultation training (online and in-person, if conditions permit) for DoD leaders and staff, and reinvigorate outreach initiatives to inform and engage Tribal leaders.