Bureau of Indian Affairs Road Maintenance Program

Res #:Committee:Submitted by:Title:                                    Pass →                     YesNoAmended/TabledTo NCAI
18-48TransportationKirk VinishBureau of Indian Affairs Road Maintenance ProgramX


 2018 Annual Convention 

Worley, Idaho 

RESOLUTION #18 – 48 



We, the members of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants rights secured under Indian Treaties, Executive Orders, and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and constitution of the United States and several states, to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise to promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution: 

WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) are representatives of and advocates for national, regional, and specific tribal concerns; and 

WHEREAS, ATNI is a regional organization comprised of American Indians/Alaska Natives and tribes in the states of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, and Alaska; and 

WHEREAS, the health, safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, and preservation of cultural and natural resources are primary goals and objectives of the ATNI; and 

WHEREAS, Construction activities for Tribal Transportation facilities is administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Federal Highway Administration and is funded pursuant to USDOT (23 USC 202).; and 

WHEREAS, the BIA Road System consists of those roads which are important to the overall public transportation needs of the tribes for which the BIA has primary responsibility for

maintenance and improvements and whose designation criteria are in the BIA Manual Section 57 BIAM 4.2; and 

WHEREAS, the BIA is mandated to maintain roads and transportation facilities constructed with Highway Trust Funds; and 

WHEREAS, the BIA provides transportation maintenance funding pursuant to “historical shares” which excludes many tribes; and 

WHEREAS, the Tribal Transportation Program uses a tribal shares formula method for distributing road funding which ensures that all tribes receive some funding; now 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI does hereby urge the Department of Interior to eliminate the historical shares method for allocating Indian road maintenance funding and instead use the same statutory formula found in the Tribal Transportation Program. 


The foregoing resolution was adopted at the 2018 Annual Convention of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, held at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel – Worley, Idaho, on September 17-20, 2018, with a quorum present. 

______________________________ ______________________________ 

Appointment to Tribal Transportation Coordinating Committee

Res #:Committee:Submitted by:Title:                                    Pass →                     YesNoAmended/TabledTo NCAI
18-47TransportationKirk VinishAppointment to Tribal Transportation Coordinating CommitteeX


 2018 Annual Convention 

Worley, Idaho 

RESOLUTION #18 – 47 



We, the members of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants rights secured under Indian Treaties, Executive Orders, and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and constitution of the United States and several states, to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise to promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution: 

WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) are representatives of and advocates for national, regional, and specific tribal concerns; and 

WHEREAS, ATNI is a regional organization comprised of American Indians/Alaska 

Natives and tribes in the states of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, and Alaska; and 

WHEREAS, the health, safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, and preservation of cultural and natural resources are primary goals and objectives of the ATNI; and 

WHEREAS, the U.S Department of Transportation and U.S Department of Interior are now soliciting candidates for membership on the Tribal Transportation Program Coordinating Committee (TTPCC); and

WHEREAS, the responsibilities of the TTPCC are to provide input and recommendations to the Bureau of Indian Affairs ( BIA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) during the development of the Tribal Transportation Program; and 

WHEREAS, the Secretaries will accept only nominations for two tribal representatives officially selected by tribes in each of the 12 BIA regions as stated below; and 

WHEREAS, MaryBeth Frank-Clark has been officially selected by the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee; and 

WHEREAS, Kim Stube has been officially selected by the Cowlitz Tribe; and 

WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee unanimously recommends that MaryBeth Frank-Clark and Kim Stube serve as northwest representatives to the committee; now 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI does hereby nominate Kim Stube and Mary Beth Frank-Clark to serve as the northwest tribal representatives on the TTPCC committee. 


The foregoing resolution was adopted at the 2018 Annual Convention of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, held at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel – Worley, Idaho, on September 17-20, 2018, with a quorum present. 

______________________________ ______________________________ 

Tribal Membership in Washington State Regional Transportation Planning Organizations

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:         Pass → Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
19-14 Transportation Kirk Vinish Tribal Membership in Washington State Regional Transportation Planning Organizations X

 2019 Winter Convention 

Portland Oregon 

RESOLUTION #19 – 14 



We, the members of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants rights secured under Indian Treaties and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and constitution of the United States and several states, to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution: 

WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians (ATNI) are representatives of and advocates for national, regional, and specific tribal concerns; and 

WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians is a regional organization comprised of American Indians in the States of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, and Alaska; and 

WHEREAS, the health, safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, and preservation of cultural and natural resources are primary goals and objectives of Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians; and 

WHEREAS, effective regional transportation planning requires participation from all affected governments; and 

WHEREAS, HB 1584 in the Washington State Legislature ensures that tribes shall be allowed to have voting membership in Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPO’s); and 

WHEREAS, many tribal governments wish to participate in the RTPO’s; now 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI does hereby urge its members to make it known to the Washington State Legislature that all tribes should be allowed to become a voting member in Regional Transportation Planning Organizations. 


The foregoing resolution was adopted at the 2019 Winter Convention of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, held at the DoubleTree by Hilton – Portland, Oregon, on January 28-31, 2019, with a quorum present. 

______________________________ ______________________________ 

Leonard Forsman, President Norma Jean Louie, Secretary 

RES 18 36

Washington State Highway 530 Safety Improvements

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:                                    Pass →                     Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
Res-18-36 Transportation Kirk Vinish Washington State Highway 530 Safety Improvements X no

WHEREAS, Washington State Route (WA SR) 530 is a significant choke point that is recognized as a serious safety hazard; and

WHEREAS, the traveling public and the Sauk-Suiattle tribe are directly affected by the unsafe conditions on WA SR 530; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI urges the Washington State legislature to fully fund transportation improvements near Darrington, WA which serves the Sauk-Suiattle tribe on WA SR 530 to improve highway safety.

RES 18 35

Update Cost to Construct Tables for Northwest Region

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:                                    Pass →                     Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
Res-18-35 Transportation Kirk Vinish Update Cost to Construct Tables for Northwest Region X no


WHEREAS, the tribal transportation funding formula includes a cost to construct roads element which affects how much funding each tribe in the Northwest receives; and

WHEREAS, the current data in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) database for cost to construct is out of date for the Northwest; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI urges the BIA Office of Transportation to update the cost to construct tables for the Northwest.

RES 18 34

Recommendation for Appointment to Tribal Transportation Program Coordinating Committee

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:                                    Pass →                     Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
Res-18-34 Transportation Kirk Vinish Recommendation for Appointment to Tribal Transportation Program Coordinating Committee X     no

RES 18 33

Request Washington State Traffic Safety Commission Fund the Development of Model Codes

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:                                    Pass →                     Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
Res-18-33 Transportation Kirk Vinish Request Washington State Traffic Safety Commission Fund the Development of Model Codes X     no