Our Mission
Dedicated to Promoting Tribal Self Determination & Sovereignty
Dedicated to Promoting Tribal Self Determination & Sovereignty
In 1953 farsighted tribal leaders in the Northwest formed the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, and dedicated it to tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Today, ATNI is a nonprofit organization representing 57 Northwest tribal governments from Oregon, Idaho, Washington, southeast Alaska, Northern California and Western Montana. ATNI is an organization whose foundation is composed of the people it is meant to serve.
In acting upon these principles ATNI has taken as its purpose to: provide a forum for sharing information on matters of interest to its member Tribes, develop consensus on matters of mutual importance, assist member Tribes in their governmental and programmatic development consistent with their goals for self-determination and self-sufficiency and provide for effective public relations and education program with the non-Indian communities. Through its conferences, forums, networks and alliances, it is the intent of ATNI to represent and advocate for the interests of its member Tribes to national Indian and non-Indian organizations and governments.
Where it is appropriate, ATNI will develop and pursue regional strategies for the development, protection and advancement of the interests of member Tribes and their people in the areas represented by ATNI committees which include: cultural affairs, economic development, human and social services, natural resources and environment, Tribal governance, and ad hoc task forces. Each committee and task force shall determine its own mission and course consistent with the operating policies and principles of the Affiliated Tribes. ATNI Executive Board and all standing committees and task forces pursue their goals generally in the following activity areas: