Tag Archive for: Office of National Tribal Liaison

Invitation for ezFedGrant (eFG) Webinar Series

The Office of National Tribal Liaison (ONTL) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) profoundly values the Tribal Nations’ partnership. ONTL has hosted several webinars to keep tribes informed, and we hope you have been taking advantage of the webinar series. Our next upcoming webinar will be focusing on getting familiar with the “ezFedGrant” website, the Agency’s tool for processing cooperative agreements. We invite you and your staff members to attend the ezFedGrant (eFG) webinar series. There will be a one-hour and thirty-minute webinar each Monday in March, beginning with March 07, 2022, starting at 11 am MST/ 1 pm EST. Below is an official letter of invitation you can with more details. Below is a registration link and webinar link.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Carl Etsitty (carl.etsitty@usda.gov) or Dr. Terry Clark (terry.w.clark@usda.gov).

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/7CedYUQV4sST9sme6

Web Join URL: https://coreshield.zoomgov.com/wc/join/1605801885?pwd=VFFkb3hORGlSTTk5TjMvS3MvU2FMZz09