Tag Archive for: Events

US Census: Bureau Data Webinars & Events

Partners/Friends: Registration links and information are NOW OPEN for the April & May Data Summit series. There is limited registration capacity and registration is filling up fast. Please register ASAP for any/all summits that you may be interested in. See the various topics and registration links below. At the conclusion of these sessions, you will:

• Have an increased awareness of the vast data products available through U.S. Census Bureau

• Be better equipped to utilize some of the free on-line tools available on census.gov

• Have resources and toolkits to assist with navigating data available through census.gov

For more information, check out: Upcoming Webinars (census.gov)


The “Census Bureau Data for Everyone” session is a FREE Virtual Webinar. Learn about how your responses to Census Bureau surveys are used to create publicly available data products. Explore data tools on census.gov and discover how you can utilize those tools to help transform your communities. 

The Session is scheduled for April 8, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!! **This summit is now FULL. Note that it will be recorded. A link to the recorded version will be made available upon request.

This Summit on “Census Bureau Data for the American Indian and Alaska Native Population and Businesses” is a FREE Virtual Webinar and will show you how to explore the data and tools that the Census Bureau offers for the AIAN population and AIAN-owned businesses as well as navigate the My Tribal Area app. This web app provides quick and easy access to selected statistics from the American Community Survey (ACS). 

The Session is scheduled for April 13, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Philanthropic and Non-Profit Organizations” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will take a deeper dive into data from decennial censuses, various surveys, and examine the statistics from datasets to help your proposal writing and give a more complete portrait of those you serve. 

The Session is scheduled for April 15, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Accessing Census Bureau Data for Rural Communities” is a FREE Virtual Webinar and will teach basic Census geography, rural vs. urban terminology, as well as tools and tables using the American Community Survey (ACS) for the contemporary rural landscape. 

The Session is scheduled for April 20, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Statistics in Schools” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach data users how to explore the Statistics in Schools (SIS) Website, which provides valuable and easy-to-use lessons for K-12 students who have the increasing need for data-literacy to compete in the 21st Century. 

The Session is scheduled for April 22, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Census Business Builder for Small Business Retailersand Service Establishments” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach you how to access the Census Business Builder suite of services, which provides selected demographic and economic data tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and user-friendly format. 

The Session is scheduled for April 29, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

MAYThis Summit on “COVID-19 HUB Demographic and Economic Resources” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will provide data users demographic and economic data designed to help guide decision-making related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Session is scheduled for May 6, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Census Bureau Data about Housing Characteristics” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach data users about housing and household data available from various surveys and indicators for building permits, construction, home ownership rates and more. 

The Session is scheduled for May 13, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

COVID-19 Regional Tribal Town Hall Convenings

In December 2020, NCAI President Fawn Sharp created the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force (Task Force) to address: (1) tribal COVID-19 relief needs; (2) tribal COVID-19 recovery needs; and (3) the chronic conditions that created the public health and economic circumstances making Tribal Nations and citizens vulnerable to this crisis. This Task Force is chaired by Chairman Larry Wright of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska. 

It is important that the Task Force and its members hear from all Tribal Nations on how COVID-19 has impacted their communities and the needs tribal leaders have to respond and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, NCAI and partner organizations have scheduled the following regional online convenings to gather tribal leader input in a town hall setting. During these meetings, tribal leaders will be asked to share the resources they require to address immediate COVID-19 relief and recovery; the status of vaccine distribution within their Tribal Nation; and other related items in response of the COVID-19 pandemic and new administration. 

We encourage tribal leaders to sign up for their respected regional convening listed below. Additional details will be released soon. 

*Please note that Daylight Saving Time begins on March 14, 2021, remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour.

Northwest Regional Convening Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET (3:00 – 4:00 p.m. PT)
This convening is being co-hosted with the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians

NICWA 39th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference

Our 39th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference season is well underway. We are excited to announce that this year, to do our part in protecting communities, we are having a fully virtual conference. With over 1,400 attendees, and growing every year, this four-day conference has become the premier national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. Keynote speakers range from tribes sharing best practices and lessons learned to youth with lived experience in child welfare systems.

NICWA provides meaningful programming to conference attendees and creates a space where participants can learn about the latest developments and best practices from experts in the field and from one another. Participants represent a cross-section of experience and interests including child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice service providers; legal professionals; students; advocates for children; and tribal, state, and federal leaders.Check out our draft agenda here

Exciting new elements to look forward to this year:

• Sweepstakes with two grand prizes

• Recorded sessions for post-conference viewing

• Virtual exhibitor booths

• Newly designed conference schedule

Participants will be able to attend from the comfort of their own homeor office. All attendees will need internet access or a phone for call-in options.Webcams are encouraged for networking activities. Please be sure to register each person individually as they will be given a unique login.

Remember! We have integrated our member discounts into our online registration software. If you are a current member, when registering online, be sure to use the email address connected to your membership to automatically receive your member discount. All others registering at the attendee rate will automatically purchase a year-long Abalone membership. 

Questions? Email training@nicwa.org