Tag Archive for: APHIS

USDA Seeks Suggestions for Fiscal Year 2023 Plant Protection Act Section 7721 and National Clean Plant Network Program Projects

WASHINGTON, June 13, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) invites stakeholders to submit project suggestions for fiscal year (FY) 2023 Plant Protection Act Section 7721 (PPA 7721) funding. The open period for submitting suggestions for Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program funding runs from June 13 through Aug. 1, 2022. APHIS will provide $75 million in plant protection funding for these projects, including at least $7.5 million for projects under the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN).

Under the PPA 7721’s Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program APHIS provides funding to its partners to help them prevent, detect, and mitigate invasive plant pests and diseases. APHIS, along with other governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, industry organizations, the National Plant Board, State departments of agriculture, and Tribal organizations developed the FY 2023 Implementation Plan. The plan outlines six strategic goal areas for funding projects:

  1. Enhancing plant pest/disease analysis and survey;
  2. targeting domestic inspection activities at vulnerable points in the safeguarding continuum;
  3. enhancing and strengthening pest identification and technology;
  4. safeguarding nursery production;
  5. conducting targeted outreach and education; and
  6. enhancing mitigation and rapid response capabilities.

Those interested in submitting projects should visit www.aphis.usda.gov/ppa-projects to get resources and guidance, including the FY 2023 Implementation Plan, templates, help session webinar schedule, frequently asked questions, and more.

The FY 2023 Implementation Plan also describes priorities for projects supporting PPA 7721’s National Clean Plant Network. The NCPN is a network of clean plant centers for diagnostic and pathogen elimination services to produce clean propagative plant material and maintain blocks of pathogen-tested plant material in sites throughout the United States. NCPN program priorities include:

  • Promoting the introduction, diagnosis, treatment, establishment and release of clean plant materials for commercial development;
  • optimizing the implementation of new methods and best practices while increasing the awareness of the importance, availability, and use of clean plants; and
  • developing partnerships with university extension offices, state departments of agriculture, and other entities to interact with commercial nurseries, industry associations and producers.

The open period to apply for NCPN program funding runs from June 13 through Sept. 2, 2022. Funding is available for land-grant universities, non-land-grant colleges of agriculture, State agricultural experiment stations, State and Federal agencies, and non- governmental organizations. Proposals focused on specialty crops have funding priority. Visit www.aphis.usda.gov/ppa-projects to learn more about the NCPN program.

To receive email updates, subscribe to the Plant Protection Act 7721 topic in the APHIS Stakeholder Registry.

Biological Control of Invasive Species: Guide to the Research and Regulatory Process

The Office of Tribal Liaison has hosted several webinars on Animal Plant Health Inspection Services’ important topics of interest. These webinars keep tribes updated on new information and how APHIS is helping protect U.S. and Tribal agricultural and natural resources and citizens from animal and plant disease threats.

We want to invite you and your staff members to attend our eighth webinar in our Tribal Webinar Series: “Biological Control of Invasive Species: Guide to the Research and Regulatory Process,” on April 07, 2022, at 1:00 pm EDT.

Below you will find the registration link and web link to the webinar.

USDA, APHIS will be hosting a Tribal Webinar on the American Rescue Plan Strategic Framework

Just a reminder that USDA, APHIS will be hosting a Tribal Webinar on the American Rescue Plan Strategic Framework.

Enclosed is the information on how to register for the Tribal webinar and others if you are unable to make it on Tuesday 08/31/21.

Submit Written Comments and Register for an Informational Webinar

USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has developed a Strategic Framework outlining our approach to fulfill a key charge within the American Rescue Plan Act to better protect people and animals from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The Framework serves as a roadmap to build One Health capacity and strengthen APHIS’ ability to prevent, detect, investigate and respond to SARS-CoV-2 as well as other emerging and zoonotic diseases. Collectively, the key actions within the Framework will enable USDA to build an early warning system to alert public health partners to take steps sooner to potentially prevent or limit the next zoonotic disease outbreak, or the next global pandemic..

Submit Written Comments

We are interested in your feedback on the Strategic Framework and will accept written comments for 45 days via Regulations.gov from Tuesday, August 24 to Friday, October 8, 2021.

Register for an Informational Webinar

APHIS is also hosting a series of webinars to provide more information about the Strategic Framework and answer any questions you may have. Our hope is that this additional information will support your ability to submit written comments.

The format and information shared during each webinar will be identical. Certain webinars are geared toward a specific audience, but you are welcome to join any webinar that best fits your schedule. Each webinar has its own registration link and connection information. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with additional details.

All webinars will be recorded, and the recordings will be accessible from this page.

Webinar Schedule

Tuesday, August 31
Audience: Tribal Representatives
American Rescue Plan—Overview of APHIS’ Strategic Framework
1:30 to 3:00 p.m. ET
Register Now
Wednesday, September 1
Audience: General Interest
American Rescue Plan—Overview of APHIS’ Strategic Framework
3:30 to 5:00 p.m. ET
Register Now
Wednesday, September 8
Audience: Socially Disadvantaged Producers and Related Organizations
American Rescue Plan—Overview of APHIS’ Strategic Framework
1:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET
Register Now
Wednesday, September 15
Audience: General Interest
American Rescue Plan—Overview of APHIS’ Strategic Framework
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. ET
Register Now