Tag Archive for: 530 safety improvements

RES 18 36

Washington State Highway 530 Safety Improvements

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:                                    Pass →                     Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
Res-18-36 Transportation Kirk Vinish Washington State Highway 530 Safety Improvements X no

WHEREAS, Washington State Route (WA SR) 530 is a significant choke point that is recognized as a serious safety hazard; and

WHEREAS, the traveling public and the Sauk-Suiattle tribe are directly affected by the unsafe conditions on WA SR 530; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI urges the Washington State legislature to fully fund transportation improvements near Darrington, WA which serves the Sauk-Suiattle tribe on WA SR 530 to improve highway safety.