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Relevant News for the ATNI Membership
Relevant News for the ATNI Membership
July 22, 2023 Chairman Sullivan strongly supported ATNI and many other intertribal organizations during his 17 years in office, 13 as their Chairman. He was committed to strengthening his nation by empowering his tribal government and enterprise staff to creatively plan and implement new initiatives. Celebration Of Life Details
Support for Tribal Small Businesses “Biden/Harris administration show true partnership and investment in tribal communities.”- Gov. Stephen Roe Lewis Vice President Harris traveled to Arizona this week to meet with the Gila River Indian Community. During the interview, VP Harris reviews issues such as MMIWP, partnering with Tribal Leaders, and Small Business Credit Initiative awards […]
Res #: Committee: Submitted By: Title: passed → Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI 2021-12 Economic Development Antone Minthorn Encouraging ATNI Member Tribes To Approve Their Letter Of Intent For The State Small Business Credit Initiative YES NO
Partners/Friends: Registration links and information are NOW OPEN for the April & May Data Summit series. There is limited registration capacity and registration is filling up fast. Please register ASAP for any/all summits that you may be interested in. See the various topics and registration links below. At the conclusion of these sessions, you will: • Have […]
The United States Department of Defense (DoD) invites Tribal Leaders to regional calls with Richard D. Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy Resilience, to discuss how the DoD can enhance government-to-government consultation with Tribes and ensure that consultation is regular, meaningful, and robust in all instances. The purpose of the sessions is for […]
Each year, the Spirit Mountain Community Fund sponsors a highly motivated Native American to serve as the Hatfield Fellow and intern in a congressional office. Placement of the Fellow rotates through the Oregon congressional delegation to enhance the mutual understanding between leadership in Washington, D.C. and Indian Country. Fellows are given an invaluable opportunity to gain knowledge […]
The new Office of Public Participation (OPP) is intended to coordinate assistance to the public and Tribes with respect to authorities exercised by the Commission, including assistance to those seeking to intervene in Commission proceedings, pursuant to section 319 of the Federal Power Act (this includes infrastructure projects like natural gas pipelines and hydropower dams, […]
In March, the Office of Tribal Relations (OTR) will be consulting on the 1) Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships, and the 2) Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government which specifically includes addressing impediments to accessing USDA programs and services. These two actions by President Biden can […]
NOAA is seeking public input in response to an Executive Order issued on January 27, 2021, titled Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Section 216(c) of the Executive Order Directs NOAA to collect recommendations on how to make fisheries—including aquaculture—and protected resources more resilient to climate change, including changes in management and conservation […]
The United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) will conduct a tribal consultation on the distribution of $20 billion from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund to tribal governments under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The consultation takes place on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 and Thursday, April 1, 2021. Treasury seeks input on […]
Invitation to attend Northwest regional tribal listening session on redesigning child welfare system March 23rd at 11:00amZoom Meeting: NICWA invites you to attend the National Indian Child Welfare Association’s (NICWA) listening session on redesigning child welfare systems on March 23 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific time. This listening session is intended for Northwest tribes. NICWA has been […]