Encouraging the Secretary of Energy to Expand Funding for Tribal Building Weatherization

Res #: Committee: Submitted by: Title:         Pass → Yes No Amended/Tabled To NCAI
19-13 Energy Eddie Sherman Encouraging the Secretary of Energy to Expand Funding for Tribal Building Weatherization X

 2019 Winter Convention 

Portland Oregon 

RESOLUTION #19 – 13 



We, the members of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants rights secured under Indian Treaties and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and constitution of the United States and several states, to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution: 

WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians (ATNI) are representatives of and advocates for national, regional, and specific tribal concerns; and 

WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians is a regional organization comprised of American Indians in the States of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, and Alaska; and 

WHEREAS, the health, safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, and preservation of cultural and natural resources are primary goals and objectives of Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians; and 

WHEREAS, the Energy Conservation and Production Act (“the Act”) (42 U.S.C. §6863) establishes a program for grants to Indian Tribal Organizations for weatherization; and 

WHEREAS, the Act also requires the Secretary of Energy to reserve, from amounts that would otherwise be allocated to a state, between 100% and 150% of the proportion of tribal low-income residents of a state so that tribal organizations serving low-income members (including NAHASDA) may apply for a direct grant of those funds; and 

WHEREAS, Indian housing is often in extremely cold or extremely hot areas of the United States and housing is often of poor quality and is not energy efficient and is in desperate need of funding for weatherization; now 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI does hereby encourage the Secretary of Energy to expand funding for weatherization in Indian Country and to fully and quickly implement the provisions of the Energy Conservation and Production Act. 


The foregoing resolution was adopted at the 2019 Winter Convention of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, held at the DoubleTree by Hilton – Portland, Oregon, on January 28-31, 2019, with a quorum present. 

______________________________ ______________________________ 

Leonard Forsman, President Norma Jean Louie, Secretary 

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