Tribal Consultation on Native American Voting Rights

On Wednesday, June 16 at 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 12pm MT, 11am PT, 10am AK, and 9am HI the White House and administration agencies will be holding their second consultation call with the Pacifc and Northwest Regions. 

Register for the Call Here 

Future Dates of Consultation Here

Written comments will be accepted in October for the record but if you already have statements written up, you may email them to Tracy Goodluck, Policy Advisor for Native Affairs at the White House Domestic Policy Council at 
On March 7, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting. Among other things, it requires a Steering Group of several federal agencies to engage  in meaningful and robust consultation with Tribal Nations and Native leaders, to develop  recommendations for protecting voting rights for Native American communities. 

The Executive Order committed the Administration to promote and defend the right to vote for all Americans who are legally entitled to participate in elections and made clear that it “is our duty to ensure that registering to vote and the act of voting be made simple and easy for all those eligible to do so.” 

In seeking to cast meaningful ballots that will be counted, we know that many Native American voters face challenges that they may share with other underrepresented communities, and also challenges that are distinct. Experiences will naturally vary from voter to voter and election to election, but reports of systemic concerns have been all too common. Past reports have indicated that — among other problems — Native American voters frequently find information about the voting process difficult to come by; polling places and registration sites are often much too far from the voters, compounded by transportation barriers; housing insecurity and purging of the rolls prompt repeated re-registration; access to forms and ballots and information is often unavailable in the languages voters speak; voters have been prevented from asking those they trust for the help to which they are entitled at the polls; states may require identity documents  that voters do not have; postal service is often irregular, including to homes that do not have platted postal addresses, making it difficult or impossible to vote by mail; and legislative districts  may be drawn to minimize the voice of Native American voters, diluting the representation they are entitled to receive. 

We know the history behind these problems, and the history of the problems’ persistence. We want to hear about your recent voting experiences, including whether historical problems continued in 2020 or whether new difficulties emerged. And we would like your recommendations about ways that the federal government, state and local governments, and private organizations may work to break down these barriers to foster robust election participation now and in the future. 
 Have you or citizens of your Tribe experienced difficulties voting in recent elections? What were those difficulties? Are you confident your ballot was counted?  Why or why not? Have you or citizens of your Tribe experienced new difficulties in recent elections, interfering with your ability to cast a meaningful ballot? Have you or citizens of your Tribe taken any steps to address these problems, or to request assistance? If so, what were those steps and what was the result? What would you like to see happen to remedy these difficulties? Join us on Wednesday, June 16 at 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 12pm MT, 11am PT, 10am AK, and 9am HI the White House and administration agencies will be holding their second consultation call with the Pacifc and Northwest Regions. 

Register for the Call Here 

US Census: Bureau Data Webinars & Events

Partners/Friends: Registration links and information are NOW OPEN for the April & May Data Summit series. There is limited registration capacity and registration is filling up fast. Please register ASAP for any/all summits that you may be interested in. See the various topics and registration links below. At the conclusion of these sessions, you will:

• Have an increased awareness of the vast data products available through U.S. Census Bureau

• Be better equipped to utilize some of the free on-line tools available on

• Have resources and toolkits to assist with navigating data available through

For more information, check out: Upcoming Webinars (


The “Census Bureau Data for Everyone” session is a FREE Virtual Webinar. Learn about how your responses to Census Bureau surveys are used to create publicly available data products. Explore data tools on and discover how you can utilize those tools to help transform your communities. 

The Session is scheduled for April 8, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!! **This summit is now FULL. Note that it will be recorded. A link to the recorded version will be made available upon request.

This Summit on “Census Bureau Data for the American Indian and Alaska Native Population and Businesses” is a FREE Virtual Webinar and will show you how to explore the data and tools that the Census Bureau offers for the AIAN population and AIAN-owned businesses as well as navigate the My Tribal Area app. This web app provides quick and easy access to selected statistics from the American Community Survey (ACS). 

The Session is scheduled for April 13, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Philanthropic and Non-Profit Organizations” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will take a deeper dive into data from decennial censuses, various surveys, and examine the statistics from datasets to help your proposal writing and give a more complete portrait of those you serve. 

The Session is scheduled for April 15, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Accessing Census Bureau Data for Rural Communities” is a FREE Virtual Webinar and will teach basic Census geography, rural vs. urban terminology, as well as tools and tables using the American Community Survey (ACS) for the contemporary rural landscape. 

The Session is scheduled for April 20, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Statistics in Schools” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach data users how to explore the Statistics in Schools (SIS) Website, which provides valuable and easy-to-use lessons for K-12 students who have the increasing need for data-literacy to compete in the 21st Century. 

The Session is scheduled for April 22, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Census Business Builder for Small Business Retailersand Service Establishments” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach you how to access the Census Business Builder suite of services, which provides selected demographic and economic data tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and user-friendly format. 

The Session is scheduled for April 29, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

MAYThis Summit on “COVID-19 HUB Demographic and Economic Resources” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will provide data users demographic and economic data designed to help guide decision-making related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Session is scheduled for May 6, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

This Summit on “Census Bureau Data about Housing Characteristics” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach data users about housing and household data available from various surveys and indicators for building permits, construction, home ownership rates and more. 

The Session is scheduled for May 13, 2021 at 2 pm EST
To sign up for the Session, Register Here!!!

U.S. Department of Defense Regional Calls With Tribal Nation Le

 The United States Department of Defense (DoD) invites Tribal Leaders to regional calls with Richard D. Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy Resilience, to discuss how the DoD can enhance government-to-government consultation with Tribes and ensure that consultation is regular, meaningful, and robust in all instances. The purpose of the sessions is for Tribes to provide input on the DoD plan of action to address the requirements in the Presidential Memorandum of January 26, 2021: Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships. 

DoD requests input from Tribal Leaders to help the Department: 

• Identify procedures to ensure that consultation is regular, meaningful, and robust 

• Build awareness among Tribal Leaders of DoD policies on consultation 

• Improve Department of Defense Instruction 4710.02: DoD Interactions With Federally Recognized Tribes (available at

• Enhance the capacity of military installation leaders and staff to foster stronger nation-to-nation relationships 

• Protect Tribal lands, rights, and resources from impacts related to the ongoing operations of military installations and training activities 

• Measure the progress of its consultation and coordination with Tribes 

• Promote the success of DoD-Tribal partnerships and collaborative efforts 

• Address legacy pollution of Tribal lands due to past DoD activity 

• Recognize the service and sacrifice of Native American veterans 

• Communicate with Tribes and Tribal-owned businesses about opportunities to work with the Department 


Alaska/Pacific Northwest | Monday, April 12 | 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

East/South/Midwest | Tuesday, April 13 | 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Rocky Mountain/Southwest/West | Friday, April 16 | 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

DoD requests interested Tribal Leaders RSVP by April 11, 2021, to to receive an invitation to the call and to indicate the Tribal representative who will participate in the session for the Tribe. 


Each year, the Spirit Mountain Community Fund sponsors a highly motivated Native American to serve as the Hatfield Fellow and intern in a congressional office. Placement of the Fellow rotates through the Oregon congressional delegation to enhance the mutual understanding between leadership in Washington, D.C. and Indian Country. Fellows are given an invaluable opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding of how to navigate the political process in Washington, while working on issues that directly affect Native Americans.

For more information about the program or to apply, visit our website at

2019 Spirit Mountain Mark Hatfield Fellowship Video

FERC’s Office of Public Participation – Tribal Outreach

The new Office of Public Participation (OPP) is intended to coordinate assistance to the public and Tribes with respect to authorities exercised by the Commission, including assistance to those seeking to intervene in Commission proceedings, pursuant to section 319 of the Federal Power Act (this includes infrastructure projects like natural gas pipelines and hydropower dams, as well as energy markets and rates cases). As part of this effort, we are seeking input from the public and Tribes on their thoughts and ideas for how this office should be organized and staffed, and what role it should play. To gather information, we have scheduled a series of listening sessions that will be led by Commission staff, and may be attended by one or more Commissioners. The sessions, listed below, will give individuals an opportunity to provide their thoughts and ideas on how the Commission should create the OPP to encourage and facilitate participation. Following a brief introduction from Commission staff, each session will be open for 3-5 minutes of comment per participant. 

o pre-register for a listening session, please visit the Commission’s website.

USDA Consultation on Consultations and Racial Equity

In March, the Office of Tribal Relations (OTR) will be consulting on the 1) Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships, and the 2) Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government which specifically includes addressing impediments to accessing USDA programs and services. These two actions by President Biden can be found below. Each of the two consultations will cover both of these topics. We are also building in two hours before the consultation for tribal caucus. USDA staff will not participate in the tribal caucus as it is designed for tribal leaders and tribal organizations to have internal discussion.

To send written comments to be included in the consultation record, please send them to by 11:59 pm ET on March 22, 2021.

NOAA to Host Listening Sessions on Section 216(C) of the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis

NOAA is seeking public input in response to an Executive Order issued on January 27, 2021, titled Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Section 216(c) of the Executive Order Directs NOAA to collect recommendations on how to make fisheries—including aquaculture—and protected resources more resilient to climate change, including changes in management and conservation measures, and improvements in science, monitoring, and cooperative research. NOAA requests written input on 216(c) from interested parties on how best to achieve the objectives of the as described in the Executive Order. Interested persons are invited to submit comments by email by April 2, 2021 to

We are also hosting three national stakeholder calls—two are open to all stakeholders and one is specifically for state and tribal governments.

March 23, 2021: Conference call open to all stakeholders nationallyTime: 12:00 to 2:00p.m. ESTDial in: (888) 769-8793 (toll-free); or (212) 547-0306Passcode: 4379815#Time limit: 3 minutes per person; additional rounds as time allowsThis call will be recorded

March 25, 2021: Conference call open to all state and tribal governmentsTime: 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. ESTDial in: (877) 716-4288 (toll-free); or (312) 470-7386Passcode: 6268962#This call will be recorded

April 1, 2021: Conference call open to all stakeholders nationally
Time: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. EST
Dial in: (800) 857-9693 (toll-free); or (630) 395-0354
Passcode: 5473603#Time limit: 3 minutes per person; additional rounds as time allows
This call will be recorded

Heather Sagar
Senior Policy Advisor
NOAA Fisheries | U.S. Department of Commerce

Treasury Department to Hold Tribal Consultation on Distribution of American Rescue Plan Funds

The United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) will conduct a tribal consultation on the distribution of $20 billion from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund to tribal governments under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The consultation takes place on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 and Thursday, April 1, 2021. 

Treasury seeks input on the funding formula to determine shares of funds and allowable expenditures for funds distributed to each tribal government. 

Written comments will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. EDT on April 2, 2021. Submit comments via online portal or by email to  

Pacific, Northwest, and Alaska Region
Thursday, April 1, 2021 
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT 
To register for this consultation, click here

NCAI Contact: Fatima Abbas, Vice President of Government Relations,

Northwest Regional Tribal Listening Session on Redesigning Child Welfare System

nicwa logo

Invitation to attend Northwest regional tribal listening session on redesigning child welfare system

March 23rd at 11:00am
Zoom Meeting:

NICWA invites you to attend the National Indian Child Welfare Association’s (NICWA) listening session on redesigning child welfare systems on March 23 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific time. This listening session is intended for Northwest tribes. 

NICWA has been engaged in child welfare system redesign and reform work for some time and more recently been a part of discussions at the national level with other child advocacy organizations on the future of the child welfare system in the United States. Over the last few years we have come to better understand systemic racism and inequities in different systems and now advocates and policymakers are asking serious questions about fundamental changes that need to occur in child welfare systems. With support from Annie E Casey Foundation, NICWA will be hosting a series of regional and national listening sessions with tribal nations and urban Indian communities to better understand the experience and perspectives of Native people with regard to child welfare systems. Our goal is to provide participants with information on the current national discussions regarding child welfare redesign, opportunities to share your perspectives, identify the best ways to engage, and identify some initial ideas on where change is needed most. If you have any questions regarding how you can attend or the content, please email Betty Bryant at We hope to see you at the listening session! 

Best Regards,

David Simmons

Zoom Meeting Information to Join the Listening Session 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 827 2807 6039 

Dial by your location       
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 827 2807 6039 

David Simmons, MSW | Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy
Pronouns: he, him, his
National Indian Child Welfare Association

Informative Webinar on Critical Minerals

The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, Trout Unlimited and the National Wildlife Federation invite you to attend an informative webinar on ‘Critical Minerals’ March 23, 2021 at 10 am MST.

In this informative webinar you will become better acquainted with an important and emerging topic surrounding a special group of mined minerals, called “critical minerals”. These minerals are essential for many technologies, including renewable energy to help combat climate change. In particular, we will explore the intersection of critical mineral deposits with tribal interests, lands, waters, fish and wildlife, and cultural resources. Extraction of critical minerals not only presents possible impacts, but also opportunity.  It is our desire to raise awareness about this issue and foster Native American engagement in responsible mining policy development.  Join us.

When:  Tuesday March 23rd at 10am mountain standard time.  Presentation will run roughly one hour with a Q&A session and open discussion to follow.  

Where:  Zoom (link to be provided later)

Who:  We welcome any Tribal person, representative or entity to participate.  Feel free to share this invitation with others you feel may be interested.  Please let us know if you, or anyone else from your tribe or organization, will be attending.  There is no cost to participants. 

RSVP TO:   –  Simply state “RSVP” in the email’s subject line, and let us know you’ll be attending. 

If you have any questions, please contact:

Ty Churchwell (TU) –   970-903-3010

To better familiarize yourself with the topic, please take a moment to view a report as a primer: Critical Minerals – A Conservation Perspective


Garrit Voggesser                             Julie Thorstenson, PhD

Tribal Partnerships Director         Executive Director

National Wildlife Federation        Native American Fish and Wildlife Society