Register for Tomorrow’s Webinar on the Tribal Solar Development Policy Initiative
/0 Comments/in committee news, energy news, Events, Frontpage Article/by Tyrel OttThe U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy is hosting a free webinar on the Tribal Solar Development Policy Initiative tomorrow, August 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mountain Time.
With support from DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association (MTERA) have embarked on a 3-year initiative to address regulatory challenges to tribal solar deployment. The goal of this initiative is to articulate key barriers to tribal solar and solar-plus-storage adoption at all scales and to ready stakeholders to implement options to address these challenges. This webinar will share some early findings from the initiative and explain how others can get involved.
Speakers include:
- Jake Glavin, MTERA Executive Director
- Tyler Huebner, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
- Brandy Toft, Leech Lake Ojibwe
- Amy Fredregill, WSB Engineering
- Pilar Thomas, Quarles & Brady.
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
1000 Independence Ave. SW | Washington DC 20585
For more information on the Office of Indian Energy, visit our website.
U.S. Department of Energy Announces Formal Process to Request Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs Cost-Share Reduction
/0 Comments/in committee news, energy, energy news, program news/by Tyrel OttRequests due no later than December 3, 2020
On October 30, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (OIEPP) announced a formalized process for tribal nations and eligible tribal entities to request cost-share reductions under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. OIEPP provides funding for technical assistance and financial assistance to tribal nations and eligible tribal entities to develop, plan, and implement energy projects.
OIEPP will accept cost-share reduction requests within the next 30 days – due no later than December 3, 2020 – and will review requests in the order they are received.
For more information about the cost share reduction, click here.
NCAI Contact Info: Darren Modzelewski, Policy Counsel,
DOE Announces Intent to Issue New Funding Opportunity for Tribal Energy Infrastructure Development
/0 Comments/in energy news, Frontpage Article, Grants/by Tyrel OttMarch 5, 2020
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs issued a Notice of Intent to release a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) entitled “Energy Infrastructure Development on Indian Lands – 2020” later this year.
“This planned funding will help Native American and Alaska Native communities harness their vast energy resources to reduce or stabilize energy costs, as well as increase energy security and resilience,” said Kevin R. Frost, Director of the Office of Indian Energy.
Through the planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy intends to solicit applications from Indian tribes, which, for the purposes of the FOA, include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations, to:
- Install energy generating system(s) and/or energy efficiency measure(s) for tribal building(s); or,
- Deploy community-scale energy generating system(s) or energy storage on Tribal Lands; or,
- Install integrated energy system(s) for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or,
- Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy system(s) to electrify tribal buildings.
This FOA is consistent with the principles of tribal sovereignty and self-determination, and with an all-of–the-above energy strategy that recognizes each tribe’s right to use their energy resources as they see fit. Projects sought under the planned FOA will be fuel and technology neutral.
Through this planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy will continue its efforts to maximize the deployment of energy solutions for the benefit of American Indians and Alaska Natives and help build the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to implement those energy solutions. See the Office of Indian Energy website for a map and summaries of previous competitively funded projects.
Download the Notice of Intent (DE-FOA-0002316).
Find information about past funding opportunities.
Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20585
For more information on the Office of Indian Energy, visit our website.
Register for Today’s Webinar on Energy Efficiency Basics
/0 Comments/in Economic Development News, energy, energy news, Frontpage Article/by Tyrel OttRegister for Today’s Webinar on Energy Efficiency Basics Feb. 26, 2020 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is pleased to sponsor the 2020 Tribal Energy Webinar Series with the theme of “How to…” Intended for tribal leaders, tribal staff, and others interested in energy development in Indian Country, the monthly webinars will focus on how to accomplish specific tasks related to energy development on tribal lands. Presenters will provide instruction and share tools and resources. Tribal case studies will emphasize the processes and tools used rather than the specific details of a particular project. Ten webinars will be offered at no cost, with most webinars scheduled at 11 a.m. Mountain Time (MT) on the last Wednesday of each month, beginning in February and concluding in December.The 2020 series will begin with Energy Efficiency Basics today, February 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. MT. When trying to lower energy bills or reduce environmental impact from energy generation, the first step is to look for opportunities to increase energy efficiency. This webinar will define what energy efficiency is and explore how to identify potential measures to reduce your Tribe’s energy use.There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. Register now for this webinar, and learn more about the 2020 webinar series. Regards, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washington DC 20585For more information on the Office of Indian Energy, visit our website. |
Encouraging the Secretary of Energy to Expand Funding for Tribal Building Weatherization
/0 Comments/in energy, energy news, Energy Resolutions/by Tyrel OttRes #: | Committee: | Submitted by: | Title: Pass → | Yes | No | Amended/Tabled | To NCAI |
19-13 | Energy | Eddie Sherman | Encouraging the Secretary of Energy to Expand Funding for Tribal Building Weatherization | X |
2019 Winter Convention
Portland Oregon
We, the members of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants rights secured under Indian Treaties and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and constitution of the United States and several states, to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values, and otherwise promote the welfare of the Indian people, do hereby establish and submit the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians (ATNI) are representatives of and advocates for national, regional, and specific tribal concerns; and
WHEREAS, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians is a regional organization comprised of American Indians in the States of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, and Alaska; and
WHEREAS, the health, safety, welfare, education, economic and employment opportunity, and preservation of cultural and natural resources are primary goals and objectives of Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians; and
WHEREAS, the Energy Conservation and Production Act (“the Act”) (42 U.S.C. §6863) establishes a program for grants to Indian Tribal Organizations for weatherization; and
WHEREAS, the Act also requires the Secretary of Energy to reserve, from amounts that would otherwise be allocated to a state, between 100% and 150% of the proportion of tribal low-income residents of a state so that tribal organizations serving low-income members (including NAHASDA) may apply for a direct grant of those funds; and
WHEREAS, Indian housing is often in extremely cold or extremely hot areas of the United States and housing is often of poor quality and is not energy efficient and is in desperate need of funding for weatherization; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ATNI does hereby encourage the Secretary of Energy to expand funding for weatherization in Indian Country and to fully and quickly implement the provisions of the Energy Conservation and Production Act.
The foregoing resolution was adopted at the 2019 Winter Convention of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, held at the DoubleTree by Hilton – Portland, Oregon, on January 28-31, 2019, with a quorum present.
______________________________ ______________________________
Leonard Forsman, President Norma Jean Louie, Secretary
Clean & Affordable Energy Conference 2018
/0 Comments/in energy, energy news, Events, Frontpage Article, meetings, News/by Tyrel OttClean & Affordable Energy Conference, November 15, 2018, Portland, Oregon
Join the NW Energy Coalition on Nov. 15, 2018 at the World Forestry Center in Portland for the Clean & Affordable Energy Conference. The conference will feature two of Oregon’s largest utilities describing their strategies for deep decarbonization, followed by a panel discussion of how energy storage technologies can change the Northwest electric system. Then, conference speakers will explore how we can make energy efficient buildings and their benefits available to all – and improve community outcomes related to housing and economic development.
When: November 15th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: World Forestry Center – 4033 SW Canyon Rd., Portland, OR 97221
For more information and to register! <>
Renewable Energy Funding Opportunities Announcement
/0 Comments/in energy, energy news, Frontpage Article, News/by Tyrel OttFUNDING OPPORTUNITY
Renewable Energy Funding Opportunities Announcement
Energy Trust of Oregon is now accepting applications from eligible renewable energy projects seeking more than $150,000 of Project Installation incentive funding. A competitive process will be used to award these funds.. Energy Trust is also accepting applications on an ongoing basis for Project Development Assistance and Project Installation incentives of $150,000 or less. Applications are due on November 30, 2018 by 5:00 p.m.
Eligible Project Technologies:
Biopower, hydroelectric, municipal scale community-owned wind, and geothermal electric projects with nameplate capacity of 20 MW or less. Proposed projects must net-meter, sell energy directly, or otherwise offset energy for Portland General Electric or Pacific Power in Oregon.
Types of Funding Available:
Energy Trust offers two different types of incentive funds, Project Development Assistance incentive funds and Project Installation incentive funds.
If you have a question about a project’s eligibility, or would like a copy of an application, please contact Dave Moldal at, or 503.445.2476.
ATNI Energy Program, Update
Contact: Direlle R. Calica at
Next Level: Energy Efficiency Workshop 2018
/0 Comments/in energy, energy news, Events, Frontpage Article, meetings, News/by Tyrel OttUPCOMING EVENT
Next Level: Energy Efficiency Workshop, November 14, 2018, Portland, Oregon
The Next Level Energy Efficiency Workshop <> will cover the latest and most innovative approaches for bringing energy efficiency to tribal homes, buildings, and schools. You’ll hear about some of the Northwest’s most exciting Energy Efficiency projects from the people, companies, and organizations that are developing them.
When: November 14th. from 8:30am – 4:00pm
Where: Native American Student Community Center – 710 SW Jackson St, Portland, OR 97201
Sessions will include:
* All the Ways Energy Efficiency Makes the World Better
* Growing a Local Energy Efficiency and Demand-Side Services Workforce
* New Trends in Contract Design for Public Entities
* Energy Efficiency Financing for Commercial Buildings
* Indoor Air Quality and Health
* Energy Efficiency in Multi-Family Affordable Housing
* Financing Approaches for Residential Energy Efficiency
For more information and to register! <> Discounts available for not-for-profit and tribal members. Use discount code NFPT1 when you register! Contact<> with any questions.
Co-sponsored by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians <> and the NW Energy Coalition <>.
Help DOE Develop the Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program
/0 Comments/in energy news, News/by Tyrel OttHelp DOE Develop the Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program: Provide Input by June 15
The DOE Loan Programs Office (LPO) is tasked with developing the Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program (TELGP) to increase the capacity of the commercial lending market to finance tribal energy development activities through the issuance of partial loan guarantees.
The Department is authorized to guarantee up to $2 billion in loans to Indian tribes for energy development. The goal of TELGP is to provide economic opportunities to tribes through energy development projects and activities by increasing the availability of commercial debt financing rather than replacing existing debt markets. In the longer term, LPO hopes TELGP will catalyze sustained investment in tribal communities by the private sector.
For more details about how LPO envisions designing TELGP, read the introduction letter DOE sent to tribal leaders. This blog provides additional information on the program.
LPO is seeking comments and input from tribes through June 15, 2018. Please submit comments or questions via email to
The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians: Regional Office
P.O Box 66209, Portland OR 97290
PH: 503.249.5770
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