About ATNI
ATNI is organized and chartered as a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation
ATNI is organized and chartered as a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation
ATNI is organized and chartered as a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation under the laws of the State of Oregon. The organization sets out its membership and operating policies within its Constitution and Bylaws and ATNI Policies & Procedures Manual. Authority for management of the affairs of ATNI are delegated to the Executive Council by the members and further delegated to the Executive Board, Committees, and Executive Director.
The Executive Council has responsibility for the control, administration and determination of policies for the organization. This responsibility is exercised at conventions and conferences of the organization.
Representatives from the member tribes set the policy and direction through committees by way of resolutions during the three yearly meetings. A seven member Executive Board carries out the duties and directives of ATNI. The Executive Board consists of the officers ( i.e., the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer) of the Executive Council. The Executive Board has responsibility to carry out the duties and directives of the Executive Council and to act for the Executive Council during the interval between meetings. The Executive Board shall carry out this responsibility through the adoption of goals, policies and guidelines of the organization. In addition, the Executive Board has the responsibility to provide organizational and operational support for the programs, facilities, member relations, and public relations.
Committees of ATNI function as a part of the information, and policy development, and support structure of the organization for the benefit of member Tribes. Permanent Committees are established by the Executive Council. The Executive Board may establish Ad Hoc committees and/or Task Forces to address temporary issues. Each Committee has a statement of purpose on file in the ATNI office which defines the scope and authority of the particular committee and any conditions or limitations which may pertain to the Committee, it’s functions, or membership.
The Executive Director shall manage the organizational affairs, carry out the duties as assigned by the Executive Board, and pursue the established goals of the Affiliated Tribes.
The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians: Regional Office
P.O Box 66209, Portland OR 97290
PH: 503.249.5770
E: atni@atnitribes.org