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NICWA 39th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference

Our 39th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference season is well underway. We are excited to announce that this year, to do our part in protecting communities, we are having a fully virtual conference. With over 1,400 attendees, and growing every year, this four-day conference has become the premier national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. Keynote speakers range from tribes sharing best practices and lessons learned to youth with lived experience in child welfare systems.

NICWA provides meaningful programming to conference attendees and creates a space where participants can learn about the latest developments and best practices from experts in the field and from one another. Participants represent a cross-section of experience and interests including child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice service providers; legal professionals; students; advocates for children; and tribal, state, and federal leaders.Check out our draft agenda here

Exciting new elements to look forward to this year:

• Sweepstakes with two grand prizes

• Recorded sessions for post-conference viewing

• Virtual exhibitor booths

• Newly designed conference schedule

Participants will be able to attend from the comfort of their own homeor office. All attendees will need internet access or a phone for call-in options.Webcams are encouraged for networking activities. Please be sure to register each person individually as they will be given a unique login.

Remember! We have integrated our member discounts into our online registration software. If you are a current member, when registering online, be sure to use the email address connected to your membership to automatically receive your member discount. All others registering at the attendee rate will automatically purchase a year-long Abalone membership. 

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