2nd Salmon Orca Summit 2021

Dear Tribal Leaders:

On behalf of the National Congress of American Indians, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, and Nez Perce Tribe, we invite you to join us at the virtual Second Salmon Orca Summit – this Friday, November 19th, at 12pm pst. This Summit builds on the historic collaboration of the first summit in July of this year, to discuss the urgency of the crisis facing Pacific Northwest salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orca), and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to restore these species and invest in a thriving Northwest.

This virtual event is open to the public. We hope to educate our neighbors and friends about the plight of our Snake River salmon populations and Puget Sound orcas. When the Creator asked who would nourish us, Salmon stood up to take on that task. It is now our duty to stand up for the Salmon and Orca, to speak for them now that they have no voice man can hear. We hope that you will stand with us in this effort.

We look forward to building strength in this movement, together. We will share stories, be in community, and bring public attention to the unprecedented moment we are facing – a future without fish. We hope you will join us:

Second Salmon Orca Summit
Hosted by the Nez Perce Tribe
Friday, November 19th, 2021
12:00 – 1:15pm PST

In the months following the first summit, national attention on this issue has continued to grow. The White House and US Congress are paying attention. We must raise our voices for the salmon and the orca now! And we urge you to stand with us before it is too late. Please share this invitation with friends and community. You can find more information about the project at salmonorcaproject.com, catch highlights from our first summit here, and share the event on Facebook here.

Thank you for your engagement.

Please Register for the Summit Here:

NAP Hosts Regional Listening Session with ATNI

NAP Hosts Regional Listening Session with Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) and the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) are excited to host the first of 6 regional listening sessions for Tribal Nations beginning in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
The listening session will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, December 7 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm PT.
Tribal Nation Leaders and Professionals
Are you looking for more resources to support projects in your community? Join the NAP Tribal Nations Initiative listening sessions to discuss:
Funding priorities for Tribal NationsResources from the philanthropy sectorHow to meaningfully engage the philanthropy sectorResources, data and capacity buildingFocused initiatives in the environment, education and healthcareBuilding Tribal coalitions
Who: Tribal leaders, Tribal directors and program managers, Tribal grant writers, and Tribal grantseekers in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2021Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm Pacific Time
Why should Native communities engage with philanthropy?There are billions of untapped dollars that could support your community from the philanthropy sector. The philanthropy sector spent over $400 billion on various programs and initiatives in 2019, yet less than half of 1% of those funds went to support Native American communities. Through more awareness, education and collaboration we can improve our relationships with and access to the philanthropy sector.
What is NAP’s Tribal Nations Initiative?NAP’s Tribal Nations Initiative (TNI) supports a Native-led movement to bring Tribal Nations and the philanthropy sector together on one centralized platform. Beyond facilitating a space for connection and collaboration, TNI supports Native philanthropists across a spectrum, from established grant makers expanding their impact to those just beginning to explore the landscape. By building visibility, Tribal coalition building, identifying priorities, encouraging meaningful partnerships, developing strategic pathways and creating technical support systems, the TNI aims to indigenize giving, better connect the philanthropy sector, and direct more resources to support Native American communities.
How to stay up to date with TNI:For more information, click here to receive updates, sessions in your region, helpful resources and funding opportunities.For questions or more information, please email events@nativephilanthropy.org
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI)In 1953 farsighted tribal leaders in the Northwest formed the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians and dedicated it to tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Today, ATNI is a nonprofit organization representing over 50 Northwest tribal governments from Oregon, Idaho, Washington, southeast Alaska, Northern California, and Western Montana. ATNI is an organization whose foundation is composed of the people it is meant to serve — the Indian peoples. Through its conferences, forums, networks, and alliances, ATNI intends to represent and advocate for the interests of its member Tribes to national Indian and non-Indian organizations and governments.

ATNI Call on the Bureau of Land Management to Finally Fulfill 45-year old Congressional Mandate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, October 11, 2021


Terri Parr, Executive Director


PORTLAND, OR — A resolution passed by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) calls on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to initiate and complete a rulemaking to improve how Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) are established and managed for current and future generations. ACEC regulations were mandated nearly 50 years ago in the Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976 but never developed or implemented by the agency. Tribes whose ancestral lands are now managed by the BLM believe that updated ACEC guidance will provide an important basis upon which BLM can conserve natural, cultural, and historic resource values in support of Tribal rights and interests. 

ACECs can be used “to protect and prevent irreparable damage to important historic, cultural, or scenic values, fish and wildlife resources or other natural systems or processes” However, in practice, the BLM has not fulfilled the promise of this designation. While Congress, through FLPMA, has directed the BLM to “give priority to the designation and protection of” ACECs, the agency chose to eliminate almost 4 million acres of existing ACECs and reject the more than 14 million acres of nominations for new ACECs put forward by Alaska Tribes in the Bering Sea-Western Interior and Central Yukon Resource Management Planning processes. BLM’s disregard for Tribal interests in ACECs in these two Alaska plans compelled ATNI to advance this resolution. 

Even though FLPMA required the development of regulations to guide the establishment and management of ACECs, no regulations have been developed in the more than four decades since the law’s enactment. ATNI’s resolution states that because of the lack of an ACEC regulation, the criteria for establishing ACECs varies across BLM-managed lands, and areas designated as ACECs are managed inconsistently. Tribes are especially concerned about ACECs nominated for protection of Traditional landscapes since they are intended to protect values on the ground, such as critical watersheds and migration corridors.

ATNI stands firmly with Tribes in seeking federal government action to correct this oversight and asks the BLM to promptly develop ACEC Regulations. “Tribes have been experiencing unjust management of Traditional lands by the Bureau – even wholesale rejection of Tribal nominations for conservation – and having a Regulation will resolve uneven application and management of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern,” said Terri Parr, ATNI Executive Director. “This ACEC rulemaking will prioritize, define, identify, designate, and conserve ACECs, and updated guidance could improve how ACECs are established and managed – and this is good for Tribes.”

The resolution will now be reviewed and considered at the National Congress of American Indians’ (NCAI) Annual Virtual Convention, which starts this week.


Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians 

In 1953 farsighted tribal leaders in the Northwest formed the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians and dedicated it to tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Today, ATNI is a membership-based, nonprofit organization representing over 50 Northwest Tribal governments from Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Southeast Alaska, Northern California, and Montana. ATNI is an organization whose foundation is composed of the people it is meant to serve — the Indian peoples. Through its conferences, forums, networks, and alliances, ATNI intends to represent and advocate for the interests of its member Tribes to national Indian and non-Indian organizations and governments.