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2018 Farm Bill Passes U.S. Senate

June 28, 2018
2018 Farm Bill Passes U.S. Senate
Early this evening, the U.S. Senate passed the 2018 Farm Bill which included provisions to support Indian Country, Native producers, and communities. See the statement below from National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) President Jefferson Keel.
“This is a strong Farm Bill for Indian Country, and we welcome this bipartisan legislation that would increase tribal access to programs across the United States Department of Agriculture. We appreciate the tireless efforts of Chairman Hoeven and Vice Chairman Udall, who have worked closely with the Agriculture Committee, Chairman Roberts, Ranking Member Stabenow and many other members on this bill. Tribal governments are often the drivers of rural economies, and the opportunities presented in this legislation, including the establishment of the first USDA self-determination program, will provide a brighter future for those in and around Indian Country.”
-President Jefferson Keel, National Congress of American Indians
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