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Youth Environmental Literacy Grants
NOAA Environmental Literacy Grants: Supporting the education of K-12 students and the public for community resilience – $3 million Applications Due: November 25, 2019 for pre-applications; March 26, 2020 for Priority 1 full applications Eligible Entities: k-12 public and independent schools and school systems, state and local government agencies, Indian tribal governments The goal of […]
2020 Fish Passage Program Funding
DOI FWS 2020 National Fish Passage Program – $13.9 million Applications Due: September 30, 2020 Eligible Entities: state and federal agencies, tribes, and local municipalities The National Fish Passage Program (NFPP) is a voluntary program that provides direct technical and financial assistance to partners. The program works in partnership to provide fish (and other aquatic […]
NIHB Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication (Deadline Nov. 8)
NIHB Request for Applications Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication Applications due Friday, November 8, 2019 by 11:59 PM ET The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is delighted to announce a call for applications for a Climate Ready Tribes Initiative Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication. This opportunity is designed to fund up to three […]
BIA Funding: Tribal Youth Initiatives
Funding for the support and development of tribal youth programs focused on science in alignment with conservation and resource management will be distributed on a competitive basis to tribes and inter-tribal organizations. The programs will provide opportunities for youth to engage in the field of natural resource management and encourage their interest in pursuing educational […]
BIA funding: Fish Hatchery Maintenance Program
Funding is available for fish hatchery maintenance programs. Please see the attached RFP or contact the BIA for more information. Deadline: January 15, 2020 Contact: Rudy Peone, Fisheries Biologist rudy.peone 2020-Application for Fish Hatchery Maint funding-4 pages.docx