Youth Environmental Literacy Grants

NOAA Environmental Literacy Grants: Supporting the education of K-12 students and the public for community resilience – $3 million
Applications Due: November 25, 2019 for pre-applications; March 26, 2020 for Priority 1 full applications

Eligible Entities: k-12 public and independent schools and school systems, state and local government agencies, Indian tribal governments

The goal of this funding opportunity is to build environmental literacy of K-12 students and the public so they are knowledgeable of the ways in which their community can become more resilient to extreme weather and/or other environmental hazards, and become involved in achieving that resilience.

Projects should build the collective environmental literacy necessary for communities to become more resilient to the extreme weather and other environmental hazards they face in the short- and long-term. Building sufficient environmental literacy in a community means that these communities are composed of individuals who are supported by formal and informal education that develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence to: (1) reason about the ways that human and natural systems interact globally and where they live, including the acknowledgement of disproportionately distributed vulnerabilities; (2) participate in scientific and/or civic processes; and (3) consider scientific uncertainty, cultural knowledge, and diverse community values in decision making.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.

2020 Fish Passage Program Funding

DOI FWS 2020 National Fish Passage Program – $13.9 million
Applications Due: September 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: state and federal agencies, tribes, and local municipalities

The National Fish Passage Program (NFPP) is a voluntary program that provides direct technical and financial assistance to partners. The program works in partnership to provide fish (and other aquatic organisms) passage and restore aquatic connectivity for the benefit of federal trust resources. In doing so, the program aims to maintain or increase fish populations in order to improve ecosystem resiliency and to provide quality fishing experiences for the American people. Activities that restore fish passage also support the modernization of country’s infrastructure such as road culverts, bridges and water diversions. Example project types include dam removals, culvert replacements, and the installation of fishways. The NFPP is delivered through 51 Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation (FAC) Field Offices across all States and territories. FAC staff coordinate with project partners, stakeholders and other Service programs to identify and collaboratively implement projects within Regional priority areas. Project work plans are developed strategically, in coordination with partners, and with substantial involvement
from FAC staff. Projects must advance the Service mission, promote biological diversity, and be based upon sound scientific biological principles.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.

NIHB Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication (Deadline Nov. 8)

NIHB Request for Applications Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication
Applications due Friday, November 8, 2019 by 11:59 PM ET

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is delighted to announce a call for applications for a Climate Ready Tribes Initiative Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication. This opportunity is designed to fund up to three (3) Tribes to conduct low-cost, local work related to climate health. The application is simple and the awardees will participate in a structured cohort with help from NIHB. This opportunity is intended for Tribes who need assistance determining where to start climate and health work and/or who need assistance with the application process. This award is possible with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more here.

BIA Funding: Tribal Youth Initiatives

Funding for the support and development of tribal youth programs focused on science in alignment with conservation and resource management will be distributed on a competitive basis to tribes and inter-tribal organizations. The programs will provide opportunities for youth to engage in the field of natural resource management and encourage their interest in pursuing educational opportunities and careers in natural resources management    

Successful applications will focus on promoting native youth interest in natural resources management, including career opportunities in natural resources.

Funding requests can range from $2,000 to $50,000 per application. 

Deadline January 15, 2020

For more information: Contact Keith Hatch, Fisheries Biologist,