Tribal Climate Camp Planning Team Facilitator



Seeking a CONSULTANT to facilitate the planning process for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) 2024 TRIBAL CLIMATE CAMP (TCC).

Scope of Services

ATNI is soliciting proposals from CONSULTANTS to perform the following scope of services:

  • Participate in planning ATNI’s Tribal Climate Camp in summer or fall 2024 by helping lead the planning team, conducting background research, producing written materials, developing and tracking the project schedule, and participating in the event.

Project Description

The 2024 TCC will convene Tribal Leaders and staff from Tribal Nations from across the Nation to provide culturally grounded training in climate resilience planning. Tribal Climate Camp gets more refined every year and builds on previous knowledge, from input delegates and instructors, and experiences of steering committee members in developing similar trainings. The overall goal of TCC is to build the capacity of tribal leader teams to address climate change and associated economic, social, cultural, regulatory, and technological trends and impacts within their tribes, between tribes and between tribes and other governments, through strategic alliances with partners across Indian Country and globally.

TCC is designed for early career tribal environmental professionals who have been assigned with some level of responsibility for leading a climate change program, or professionals who know they are about to be assigned. The teams will work with instructors on understanding lessons from successful tribal climate change programs, building support within a tribe for climate change planning, sustainable fundraising, methodologies for engaging with community members including youth and elders, the evaluation of climate change programs and the basic climate science tools tribes can use in developing programs. Through this curriculum, teams will leave the camp with a plan for how to work together to take leadership on climate change programming within their tribes.

How to Submit a Proposal

Follow the instructions on the full RFP.

Deadline: November 13, 2023

Climate Summit Planning Team



Seeking Letters of Interest (LOI) from folks to assist with the planning process for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) 2024 National Tribal Leaders Climate Summit.

Scope of Services

ATNI is soliciting LOIs from Tribal citizens and partners to assist with the planning of the event. This will include participating in the planning of ATNI’s National Tribal Leaders Climate Summit to be held in spring 2024, researching potential speakers, commenting on written materials, and participating in the event.

Project Description

The 2024 National Tribal Leaders Climate Summit (“2024 Summit”) will convene Tribal Leaders and staff from Tribal Nations from throughout the Nation and include representatives from First Nations and Indigenous communities. Our goal is to elevate knowledge, experiences, research, values, and priorities related to Tribal climate resilience. The Summit will include nationally renowned plenary speakers, tribal leaders, tribal climate experts, tribal collaborators, invited guests, and more. Educating, training, and engaging leaders, staff, and communities on climate-related topics of interest to Tribal Nations in the United States.

The goals of the 2024 Summit will be defined through the planning process, but may include:

  1. Ensuring that Tribes have the information, support, capacity and resources necessary to plan for and implement Tribal Climate Resilience Projects; 
  2. Increasing Tribal awareness of opportunities and challenges faced by other Tribes in developing climate projects and when collaborating with outside partners for planning, policy development and project implementation;
  3. Improving project success by appropriately engaging and consulting with Tribes;
  4. Assessing Tribal needs, interests, and priorities related to climate adaptation and resilience, while providing listening opportunities for intertribal collaboration to move those priorities forward.

Through this process, ATNI and our planning team will design and host a 2 ½ day in-person event, similar to the previous climate summits that we have hosted. The 2024 Summit may be live-streamed, or have presentations recorded for future sharing. Tribal leaders and subject matter experts will be recruited from across the U.S. to deliver timely and relevant high impact presentations, speeches, panel discussions, break out discussions, stories, songs, and prayers in culturally appropriate and respectful ways. The 2024 Summit’s intended audience is Tribal leaders, staff, their partners, and allies. The Summit will be designed to encourage partnership building and collaboration amongst Tribal leaders and staff so that the participants will be better informed and prepared to work with ATNI and our many partners to implement change more effectively for their Tribal communities.

How to Submit an Letter of Interest

Follow the instructions in the full call for Letters of Interest.

Compensation: Compensation is available.

Deadline: November 3, 2023

Seeking Curriculum Consultant

Seeking Consultant to Develop Tribal Climate Resilience Board Game Curriculum 

This is an RFP from ATNI to hire a CONSULTANT to assist with the development of a curriculum to supplement the production of a Tribal climate resilience board game with a focus on Turtle Island. 

Scope of Services:

ATNI invites qualified curriculum developers and educators to submit proposals for the development of a curriculum to accompany the board game focused on tribal climate resilience on Turtle Island. The objective of this project is to create an educational curriculum that will use ATNI’s Tribal Climate Resilience board game as an entry point to teach and promote tribal climate resilience concepts.

Project Description:

The curriculum will be designed to complement the tribal climate resilience board game, serving as an educational resource to further enhance the skills and knowledge of the tribal community in the United States. It will use the board game as an entry point to introduce and delve into the concepts of tribal climate resilience. This curriculum will be integrated into ATNI’s training and workshops to provide a broader impact on the tribal community.

Project Objectives:

The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

  1. Develop a curriculum that can be used in conjunction with the tribal climate resilience board game that is being developed by ATNI and a consultant.
  2. Provide educational materials and activities that enhance the learning experience.
  3. Promote tribal climate resilience and environmental awareness within the tribal community 
  4. Support and strengthen ATNI’s training and workshop programs by offering a valuable educational resource with a primary emphasis on Tribal staff, if deemed appropriate, and early career Tribal citizens, with a secondary emphasis on Tribal youth.

How to Submit a Proposal

Follow the instructions in the full RFP.

Deadline: November 13, 2023

Senior Tribal Liaison Position Available

Position Overview:

Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians (ATNI) is recruiting for a Senior Tribal Liaison. The Sr. Liaison is assigned to the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) to serve as the NW CASC’s Senior Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison for Tribes located in the Pacific Northwest. The Senior Tribal Liaison will work with the Assistant Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison to advise the NW CASC’s on tribal issues as they pertain to climate change, resource vulnerability, and climate adaptation actions. Our liaisons also provide climate adaptation training to Tribal Nations, develop partnerships to advance tribal resilience to climate impacts, and serve as an informational hub between Tribes, Federal agencies, researchers, and other tribal and non-tribal partners.

Position Roles and Responsibilities

Partnership Building, Outreach, and Communications (35%)

  • Conduct outreach to tribal communities to learn about and assess their climate science needs and questions, and to inform them of the climate science and adaptation resources available to them through meetings with tribal governments, departments, NGOs, TCUs and schools, and individuals involved in climate adaptation work
  • Implement the services delivered by the ATNI-NW CASC’s Climate Change program, including identifying appropriate tribal collaborators for joint proposals and projects
  • Ensure that NW CASC’s research is framed holistically and inclusively to encompass environmental sustainability, traditional knowledge, exposure of indigenous peoples to the impacts of climate change, adaptation, and interpretation of locally relevant research findings
  • Translate and communicate NW CASC’s science to Tribal officials and resource managers, based on the relationship of trust among Tribal nations and with the Tribal citizens
  • Plan and execute field visits to regional Tribes, as appropriate
  • Attend and present at tribal meetings, as appropriate
  • Serve on panels and engage in strategy sessions, workshops, and partner meetings
  • Develop and distribute external communications related to this program’s efforts

Training, Technical Assistance, and Capacity-Building (35%):

  • Work with Tribal education programs to (1) build the scientific capacity and workforce of Tribal nations within the context of traditional and cultural practices, (2) enhance the diversity of the Federal workforce, particularly the Department of the Interior (DOI), and (3) assist with planning ATNI’s Tribal Climate Camps and Climate Summits, and other opportunities upon request
  • Provide climate adaptation planning support to tribal governments and community climate resilience stakeholders in coordination with the NW CASC and other partners
  • Establish a liaison steering committee; plan and host steering committee meetings; and incorporate committee guidance into work plans
  • Participate in a network of tribal climate science liaisons working within the CASC network
  • Conduct tribal climate adaptation-related research as time permits

Management and Supervision (15%)

  • Assist in the hiring, supervision, training, and mentoring of the Assistant Tribal Liaison, including, monitoring work plan, performance goals and objectives, and annual reviews
  • Develop and manage ATNI’s internship program in partnership with Assistant Tribal Liaison

Administrative and Operations (15%)

  • Prepare and review reports, proposals, correspondence, and other documents for ATNI, NW CASC, DOI, USGS, and others, upon request
  • Prepare reports and track NW CASC Tribal-related activities and corresponding metrics
  • Maintain database and ongoing contact with Tribal resource managers and Tribal personnel involved in climate planning and risk management
  • At the direction of the Climate Resilience Program Director, act as ATNI’s primary contact for funders, including maintaining regular communication on the progress of grants, projecting plans and expenses, gathering required information and testimonials, securing new resources, and managing the application and reporting process
  • Assist in the administration and management of grants and deliverables


 Position Requirements

  • Master’s degree or higher, Ph.D. preferred, with three or more years of experience in an area of science relevant to climate change and Tribal issues, e.g. social sciences and public health
  • Proven history of exceptional planning, managing multiple projects, multi-tasking skills, and the ability to prioritize work tasks, particularly without ongoing supervision
  • Ability to develop and evaluate research proposals, methods, and outcomes
  • Strong oral and written communication skills and the ability to articulate complex concepts to non-scientists and/or the general public
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience related to environmental sustainability, tribal traditional knowledge, tribal rights, and federal trust responsibilities; and/or exposure of Indigenous peoples to the impacts of climate change adaptation and interpreting research findings
  • Previous experience working for a federally-recognized Indian Tribe or an inter-tribal consortium is preferred but not required

Professional Attributes

  • General knowledge of Pacific Northwest-based Tribes and a working understanding of Tribal governments, cultures, customs, and histories
  • Promotes a culture of respect, inclusion, and appreciation of diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and values, including respect for those with beliefs different from your own
  • Exhibits professionalism
  • Strategic thinker; Accepts and provides feedback
  • Exhibits curiosity, intentionality, and proactivity
  • Effective problem-solver; anticipates roadblocks and mitigates them
  • Excellent communicator
  • Solution-oriented with a learning mindset; takes initiative
  • Is a team player and finds joy in the simple act of helping others

Location: Flexible remote work within the Pacific Northwest

Compensation: $66,214-$98,265, location dependent and commensurate with experience

Closing Date: Initial review of applications will begin on Nov. 27, 2023, and open until filled

How to Apply: Follow the instructions in the full position description before application reviews start on Nov. 27, 2023.