BIA Nat. Res. Funding: Invasive Species

Successful applications will focus on the management/control of invasive species on tribal trust lands, individual Indian allotment lands, or in areas managed by tribes through treaties or agreements.

Instead of focusing on the definition of “Invasive Species,” this program will focus on the damage caused to Tribal Trust Resources and leave it to the discretion of the applicant to describe whether the species is “invasive” or represents an instance in which a native species is behaving as an invasive species due to altered environmental conditions. This funding can cover all invasive species (plants/animals) outside of noxious weeds in agricultural settings.

Invasive wildlife funding will focus on the following three areas.

1) Planning funding would allow tribes to participate in local/regional/national forums and/or planning efforts by which such collaborative efforts have been established, or would allow tribes to initiate a collaborative forum, task force, or management planning effort where none currently exist.

2) Prevention funding would provide for the development of planning/management documents and or develop/implement procedures to prevent IS from impacting tribal trust resources where such species are not already established.

3) Implementation funding would assist tribes in implementing management plans or other established protocols aimed at the control, management, or prevention of IS.

Funding requests can range from $2,500 – $250,000 per application. Proposals addressing more than one focus area may be combined into one proposal. Deadline: January 15, 2020.

Contact Robert Compton – Rangeland Mgt. Spec. (robert.compton) for a copy of the funding announcement, if needed.

Or contact ATNI’s Tribal Liaison for the Tribal Resilience Program, Chas Jones (cejones).

2020-Application for Invasive-Species-Program-funding-4 pages.docx

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