2019 Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit: Presentations and Summary

The Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit brought together over 200 tribal leaders, staff, and tribal members, agency staff, students and practitioners on July 30-31, 2019 in Spokane, WA to advance tribal climate change programs, strategies, policy and action by discussing current issues related to three key themes: Traditional Knowledges, Tribal Climate Resiliency, and Policy. All of the speaker information and available PowerPoints can be found at: http://atnitribes.org/climatechange/ts-info/past-summits/2019-ts/2019-ts-agenda/. You can download a PDF version here: 2019 Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit Proceedings and DRAFT Recommendations. If you would like to request a word version of the document, please email me at kathy@uoregon.edu

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