00:23:30 Delena Mobley: Ellany wrote: Recommend adding: Require state and local law enforcement agencies to report use of force data, disaggregated by race, sex, disability, religion, and age. Ban chokeholds, carotid holds and no-knock warrants and limit transfer of military-grade equipment. 00:25:40 Delena Mobley: Ellany wrote: Establish a National Police Misconduct Registry to prevent problematic officers who are fired or on agency leave from moving to another jurisdiction without any accountability. 00:27:40 Delena Mobley: Ellany wrote: Also, Prohibit law enforcement from racial, religious, and discriminatory profiling, and mandate training on racial, religious, and discriminatory profiling for all law enforcement. 00:34:39 Delena Mobley: Laura John wrote: Here are some bullets from community statements that have been presented to the City of Portland that may be of interest to the group for this statement. -A disciplinary process that cannot be easily overturned by a state arbitrator. -end of qualified immunity for officers. -creation of a national police misconduct database supported by states and tribes. -independent police accountability board with subpoena authority that includes community representatives with voting privileges -Establish open collective bargaining with police unions during the contract renegotiation, including community groups as a party to the negotiations. -Limit collective bargaining negotiations to wage and salary related matters. All academies must include comprehensive training on tribal sovereignty and tribal law enforcement. 00:39:28 Delena Mobley: Danae wrote: Information Technology Disaster Resource Center has provided technical services for Native Nations through COVID. They have done a lot with getting emergency communications setup. https://itdrc.org/ 00:39:51 Delena Mobley: Danae wrote: I am the NCAI representative to FirstNet and can help get consultations setup for emergency communications through FirstNet. If anyone in interested I would be glad to get Agencies connected with FirstNet. Danae Wilson, danaew@nezperce.org 00:54:06 Delena Mobley: Ellany wrote: Require regular mental health checkups to deal with the stress and challenges of law enforcement. And, end "qualified immunity." Recommend wording: Rehabilitation within police unions. Their intransigence makes it almost impossible to fire and hold officers accountable for breaking the law and the police's trust. Healing for police officers is a great idea. 00:54:25 margo hill: Cleora - my email is mhill86@ewu.edu 00:59:48 Delena Mobley: Asa's email: asa.washines@atg.wa.gov