00:14:37 Amber Schulz: Can I get screen sharing permissions to put the agenda up? ~ahso 00:17:03 Danae: I have a topic today for 15 minutes. When I try to unmute it says the host has me on mute. 00:17:54 Danae: I tried again and it says again that the host has me on mute 00:18:53 Delena Mobley: +12532158782,,92052729553# US (Tacoma) +16699006833,,92052729553# US (San Jose) 00:19:08 Danae: Can the host please check the permission again? Many of us will have presentations today and I will need to use my computer. 00:19:12 Danae: I can see your screen 00:19:58 Delena Mobley: Meeting ID: 920 5272 9553 One tap mobile 00:20:22 Delena Mobley: +1669 900-6833 Meeting ID: 920 5272 9553 00:21:32 Danae: Danae Wilson, Dept. of Technology, Nez Perce Tribe 00:21:37 Lonny Macy: Lonny Macy, Sr. Planner, Akana 00:21:42 Tom Dietz: Tom Dietz Transportation Manager, Stillaguamish Tribe Arlington, WA 00:21:50 Crystal Sandoval: Crystal Sandoval - ATNI-EDC 00:21:51 Tom Dietz: Good morning, Everyone! 00:22:02 Numu Allottee: Cheryl Lohman, END Project Manager, Numu Allottee Association 00:22:11 Kirk Vinish, Planning: Kirk Vinish, Transportation co-chair, Lummi Nation 00:22:19 Erin Andrada: Erin Andrada, Program Support-Transportation: BIA NWRO 00:22:24 Jon iPad: Jon A. George: Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde/ATNI 3rd Vice President 00:22:59 Amber Faist, Oregon Native American Chamber: Dai s’ la, Amber Faist, Coquille Tribal Citizen, Business Development and Resources for the Oregon Native American Chamber 00:28:41 marybethf: Mary Beth Clark, Transportation & Community Development Manager, Nez Perce Tribe 00:40:41 Tyler Anderson: Tyler Anderson, Mutual of America - Sorry 00:41:05 Sharon Goudy: Sharon Goudy YNCE/ATNI EDC 00:41:19 Jack Lenox: Jack Lenox ATNI-EDC Board VP/ ONABEN Board Chairman 00:41:53 Dave Tovey: Dave Tovey, Executive Director, Nixyaawii Community Financial Services and President, ATNI-EDC 00:42:07 James Parker: James Parker, ATNI & ONAC. Good morning everyone 00:52:54 Amber Schulz: amber@atniedc.com 01:00:16 Danae: Entities helping file Tribal applications for 2.5 Spectrum. https://muralnet.org/ 01:00:52 Danae: https://www.tribal25.com/ 01:02:12 Danae: https://www.internetsociety.org/ 01:02:44 Danae: If you want a one on one - please let me know danaew@nezperce.org 01:10:59 Cleora Scott: Cleora Scott 206-637-3467 Cleora@potlatchfund.org 01:15:47 Cleora Scott: Henry is on his way struggling with connecting 01:22:45 Danae: Thank you James!!! 01:24:28 Amber Schulz: https://atniedc.com/rlf/covid-19/ 01:24:35 Amber Schulz: Link for loans/ grants available 01:28:48 Herbert Fricke: Hi everybody! 01:32:50 Herbert Fricke: Herb Fricke/Akana, herb.fricke@akana.us 01:33:32 PHarju: Thanks to everyone Be safe Switching to other meeting. 01:33:46 PHarju: Philip Harju Cowlitz Tribe 01:38:35 Danae: Information Technology Disaster Resource Center has provided technical services for Native Nations through COVID. https://itdrc.org/ 01:39:02 Amber Schulz: Thank you, Danae! 01:56:32 Cleora Scott: https://atnitribes.org/events-conventions/mid-year-convention-2020/atni-mid-year-convention-2020-virtual-agenda/ 01:56:45 Cleora Scott: scoll down to your committee 01:57:30 Tom Dietz: Thank you, Everyone! Stay safe and be well.