01:53:31 W. Ron Allen: W. Ron Allen, Chairman - Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe 01:59:46 W. Ron Allen: I'm not sure my audio is on? 01:59:54 Lawrence Solomon: Lummi here! 02:00:23 Jennifer Gillissen: Please use the chat to say here 02:00:35 W. Ron Allen: Yes, some of us are muted. 02:00:49 PHarju: I can not unmute Philip Harju Cowlitz here 02:01:57 Danae Wilson: Nez Perce - Present 02:02:22 Jennifer Gillissen: Tom Dietz, Transportation Manager - Stillaguamish Tribe 02:02:40 Jennifer Gillissen: Patsy Whitefoot (Yakama), White Swan, WA. Good morning to our ATNI virtual conference. 02:18:24 W. Ron Allen: Move to approve the Finance Report. Jamestown 02:18:36 Lawrence Solomon: 2nd Lummi 02:19:09 W. Ron Allen: Hearing no objection. So approved 02:20:52 W. Ron Allen: Tribes can use COVID-19 $$ to cover typical fees & dues due to loss of income due to the crisis. 02:21:04 W. Ron Allen: Aye 02:21:53 Lawrence Solomon: aye 02:35:42 James Parker: ATNI New Address: 5904 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97213 02:51:46 Airam Gessner, KAI: Hello, yes this meeting is being recorded and will be available to view later. 02:56:26 Lawrence Solomon: Thanks 03:21:50 Jennifer Gillissen: From direllecalica to All Panelists: 12:39 PM Any updates or thoughts about the Western Water Infrastructure Act of 2019? 04:43:18 Laura Platero: Laura Platero lplatero@npaihb.org 503-407-4082 04:57:12 Theresa Sheldon: Thank you NCAI for the Regional Hires for GOTNV activities! Super exciting! =)) 05:17:12 Bryan Mercier: bryan.mercier@bia.gov 05:17:44 W. Ron Allen: Good, wondering about any help for a dedicated trailer from FEMA. 05:23:56 Terri Parr: I believe there was supposed to be a slide up while she was speaking. We can ask Alaina. 05:28:29 Jennifer Gillissen, KAI: Jessica Imotichey Partnership Coordinator Los Angeles Region #661-578-2278 (cell) jessica.a.imotichey@2020census.gov 05:33:23 Jennifer Gillissen, KAI: https://jobs.lever.co/joebiden/be6ade2a-2b27-4074-ace6-887ed1edbfdb 05:35:30 Theresa Sheldon: Thank you Chairman Rion, DNCC Draft Platform is accepting comments until July 15, please add your language here, https://www.stories.demconvention.com/ Biden is hiring Tribal Engagement Director: https://jobs.lever.co/joebiden/be6ade2a-2b27-4074-ace6-887ed1edbfdb 05:36:25 Jennifer Gillissen, KAI: • The next hearings will be held on: o o July 1 at 5-8pm ET Platform Drafting Committee Hearing: o A Vision for a More Equitable Future o July 2 at 5-8pm ET Platform Drafting Committee Hearing: o Restoring the Soul of America o July 15th The Full Platform Drafting Committee Meeting o July 27, 2020 full Platform Committee Meeting Hearing • • Yesterday the DNCC launched a digital engagement campaign • inviting voters to share what they would like to see included in the democratic platform, this can be done by video or by writing. Comments are due by July 15 but please do not delay. You may submit the comments at • https://www.stories.demconvention.com/ 05:39:21 James Parker: For access to pre-recorded content including videos from Native Vote, Telecom, and Climate change, as well as to access the committee schedule and zoom links, please go to: https://atnitribes.org/events-conventions/mid-year-convention-2020/atni-mid-year-convention-2020-virtual-agenda 05:42:00 Theresa Sheldon: Thank you ATNI! Rocking the virtual conference! 05:42:06 James Parker: James Parker jparker@atnitribes.org 202-297-3410 05:42:32 Dave Tovey: Really cool, ATNI family! 05:42:56 Tyler Anderson: Great Conference! Thanks to all presenters, James, Terri, and Elaine