Tribal Climate Camp Planning Team Facilitator



Seeking a CONSULTANT to facilitate the planning process for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) 2024 TRIBAL CLIMATE CAMP (TCC).

Scope of Services

ATNI is soliciting proposals from CONSULTANTS to perform the following scope of services:

  • Participate in planning ATNI’s Tribal Climate Camp in summer or fall 2024 by helping lead the planning team, conducting background research, producing written materials, developing and tracking the project schedule, and participating in the event.

Project Description

The 2024 TCC will convene Tribal Leaders and staff from Tribal Nations from across the Nation to provide culturally grounded training in climate resilience planning. Tribal Climate Camp gets more refined every year and builds on previous knowledge, from input delegates and instructors, and experiences of steering committee members in developing similar trainings. The overall goal of TCC is to build the capacity of tribal leader teams to address climate change and associated economic, social, cultural, regulatory, and technological trends and impacts within their tribes, between tribes and between tribes and other governments, through strategic alliances with partners across Indian Country and globally.

TCC is designed for early career tribal environmental professionals who have been assigned with some level of responsibility for leading a climate change program, or professionals who know they are about to be assigned. The teams will work with instructors on understanding lessons from successful tribal climate change programs, building support within a tribe for climate change planning, sustainable fundraising, methodologies for engaging with community members including youth and elders, the evaluation of climate change programs and the basic climate science tools tribes can use in developing programs. Through this curriculum, teams will leave the camp with a plan for how to work together to take leadership on climate change programming within their tribes.

How to Submit a Proposal

Follow the instructions on the full RFP.

Deadline: November 13, 2023