Entries by Chas Jones

Information Request: House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

The U.S. House of Representatives created the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis to “investigate, study, make findings, and develop recommendations on policies, strategies, and innovations to achieve substantial and permanent reductions in pollution and other activities that contribute to the climate crisis, which will honor our responsibility to be good stewards of the planet […]

Climate Change Adaptation Planning Workshop (Nov. 5-7)

The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, and the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians are collaborating on an ITEP course: Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation Planning. When: November 5-7, 2019Where: Swinomish Tribal Indian Community – Anacortes, WADeadline: Friday, October 1st (*apps received before or by […]

Confederated Tribes Of Grand Ronde Purchase Former Paper Mill In Willamette Falls

Once home to the Charcowah village of the Clowewalla, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde bought the 23-acre site from Washington developer George Heidgerken. The property is located within the tribes’ ancestral homelands and holds significant historical and cultural importance for the Grand Ronde. “Willamette Falls is the second largest waterfall in the United States […]

Changing Currents 2019 Tribal Water Summit (Moscow, ID)

The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians will be hosting the 2019 Tribal Water Summit September 5-6, 2019 at the University of Idaho, College of Law in Moscow, ID. The goals of the 2019 Tribal Water Summit are to bring together a diverse group of leaders, scientists, policy analysts, and community citizens to exchange knowledge about […]

News articles: 2019 Tribes and First Nations Climate Change Summit

The Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit brought together over 200 tribal leaders, staff, and tribal members, agency staff, students and practitioners to advance tribal climate change programs, strategies, policy and action by discussing current issues related to three key themes: Traditional Knowledges, Tribal Climate Resiliency, and Policy. Over 40 tribes from across the nation […]

Tribal Adaptation Menu workshop October 22-24

She.kú Environmental Directors, Climate Change POCs, and other interested parties, The 3rd Tribal Adaptation Menu workshop will be hosted by the Menominee Nation in Keshena, WI October 22-24, 2019. Attached is the Save-the-Date flyer with more details including the registration link and webpage for the event. This workshop is intended for Tribal Natural Resource managers […]

ATNI Fall Annual Convention 2019

ATNI Fall Annual Convention 2019 ATNI Conventions are where members convene for discussion, presentations and the work of the committees in regard to policy, legislation, and the future of Indian Country in the Northwest. When: Monday, October 7, 2019 -to- Thursday, October 10, 2019 Hosted By: Suquamish Tribe Where: Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort Register Today! […]

Funding Announcement: BIA Tribal Resilience Funding

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is pleased to announce the availability of funding through the Tribal Resilience Program (Program). The Program will provide funding for tribal activities that support tribal resilience and/or and ocean and coastal management planning as tribes incorporate the science (including Traditional Knowledge) and technical information to prepare for extreme events and […]