NW CASC Funding opportunity

The Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) invites Statements of Interest (SOI) for projects to be initiated in Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. The NW CASC funding opportunity process includes two phases: submission and review of SOI followed by submission and review of invited Full Proposals.

Due to the recent federal government shutdown and recently implemented U.S. Department of the Interior award procedures, the timeline for this year’s SOI and proposal development and review process is compressed (see attached document for details). Although the primary purpose of this funding opportunity announcement is to solicit proposals to be initiated with FY 2019 funds, applicants are also encouraged to submit SOI that could be developed for future fiscal years (e.g., FY 2020), as well as ideas that the NW CASC may be able to assist with via other resources and mechanisms (e.g., leveraging, networking, consultation, etc.). The NW CASC is committed to being inclusive and transparent while working to broaden the community of practice around climate adaptation in the Northwest.

See this document for more details.

Please distribute to your science centers, academic departments, and professional networks.

Chas Jones

Tribal Liaison with the

Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians &

NW Climate Adaptation Science Center



(541)750-1023 (office)

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