Funding Opportunity for Tribal Energy Infrastructure Development

On Sept. 26, 2019, during his closing remarks at the National Tribal Energy Summit in D.C., Under Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes announced that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs issued a Notice of Intent to release a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) entitled “Energy Infrastructure Development on Indian Lands – 2020.”

“This planned funding will help Native American and Alaska Native communities harness their vast energy resources to reduce or stabilize energy costs, as well as increase energy security and resilience,” said Under Secretary Menezes.

Through the planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy intends to solicit applications from Indian tribes, which, for the purposes of the FOA, include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations, to:

  • Install energy generating system(s) and/or energy efficiency measure(s) for tribal building(s); or,
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating system(s) or energy storage on Tribal Lands; or,
  • Install integrated energy system(s) for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or,
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy system(s) to electrify tribal buildings.

DOE envisions awarding multiple financial assistance awards in the form of grants. Under the planned FOA and as required by statute, a 50% recipient cost share of the total project costs is required and must come from non-federal sources, unless otherwise allowed by law.

Through this planned FOA, the Office of Indian Energy will continue its efforts to maximize the deployment of energy solutions for the benefit of American Indians and Alaska Natives and help build the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to implement those energy solutions. See the Office of Indian Energy website for a map and summaries of previous competitively funded projects.

Download the Notice of Intent (DE-FOA-0002167).

Find information about past funding opportunities.

2019 Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit: Presentations and Summary

The Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit brought together over 200 tribal leaders, staff, and tribal members, agency staff, students and practitioners on July 30-31, 2019 in Spokane, WA to advance tribal climate change programs, strategies, policy and action by discussing current issues related to three key themes: Traditional Knowledges, Tribal Climate Resiliency, and Policy. All of the speaker information and available PowerPoints can be found at: You can download a PDF version here: 2019 Tribes and First Nations Climate Summit Proceedings and DRAFT Recommendations. If you would like to request a word version of the document, please email me at

Displacement and Climate Change Survey: EcoAdapt

EcoAdapt is conducting a survey to determine if and how people and organizations concerned about displacement pressures are considering the effects of climate change. This survey is part of a broader project in collaboration with the Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC) and the Urban Displacement Project to better understand the intersections between climate change and displacement pressures. Results will be shared with anti-displacement practitioners to inform communications and messaging strategies geared toward generating more widespread adoption of policies and practices that can reduce both climate and displacement risks. The survey aims to identify:

  • To what degree anti-displacement practitioners are thinking about climate change in their work;
  • Emerging practices and policies that may address the dual goals of reducing climate risks and displacement pressures; and
  • Needs, opportunities, and barriers in reducing climate risks and displacement pressures in communities.

EcoAdapt  Displacement & Climate Change Survey.

Information Request: House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

The U.S. House of Representatives created the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis to “investigate, study, make findings, and develop recommendations on policies, strategies, and innovations to achieve substantial and permanent reductions in pollution and other activities that contribute to the climate crisis, which will honor our responsibility to be good stewards of the planet for future generations.” To supplement our ongoing work, the Select Committee is seeking additional detailed input from a broad range of stakeholders. To inform the policy recommendations of the Select Committee, please provide responses by November 22, 2019 by emailing More information is available here:

Climate Change Adaptation Planning Workshop (Nov. 5-7)

The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, and the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians are collaborating on an ITEP course: Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation Planning.

When: November 5-7, 2019
Where: Swinomish Tribal Indian Community – Anacortes, WA
Deadline: Friday, October 1st (*apps received before or by this date will receive priority consideration)
To register, click here

This course will provide an overview to planning for climate change impacts, highlighting the work of tribes that have completed an adaptation plan or vulnerability assessment. The course is intended for tribal environmental and natural resource professionals who expect to be or are currently involved in climate change adaptation and resilience planning. Since the course material including presentations and activities will focus on climate change impacts and resilience planning in a specific region, we especially encourage people from this region to attend.

For more information, click here for more information.