Solar PV Funding: Now Accepting Applications

Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund - GRID Alternatives
Apply now to fund your tribe’s energy projects.
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The Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund is Now Open!
Dear Friends,

We are excited to announce that the Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund is now accepting applications for 2019!

The TSAF is a tribal-led initiative that provides new funding to tribes to support their renewable energy projects. The fund awards grants for projects that clearly focus on building renewable energy infrastructure, particularly new solar energy projects in tribal communities, that are feasible, cost-effective, and engage broad tribal community participation and support.

GRID Alternatives launched the fund in 2018 with seed capital from Wells Fargo Foundation to catalyze the growth of solar energy and expand solar job opportunities in tribal communities across the United States.

Should you apply? Join our webinar to learn more.
Join us Friday, March 15, 10:00am PST.
We’ll give you an overview of GRID Alternatives, the fund, and the TSAF application process, with plenty of time for questions. You’ll emerge with a clear understanding of the TSAF funding areas, criteria, eligibility, submission guidelines, and project timeline to help you make an informed decision to apply for TSAF funding.
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Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund
1120 W. 12th Ave
Denver, CO 80204

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